Closed gadin closed 8 years ago
correct, this is a known issue... although trivial to spot & fix manually, I'll add this to my to do list
decided not to fix this issue (as other corner cases can exist) - the way the code is written in would make it quite complex to fix... the good news is that it's very easy to fix manually. is not perfect, but it will put you on the right track :)
I used the latest version of and had a bug when calculating the return address to virtualprotect , it forgot to calculate an add al,0EFh that will ocour before the virtual protect call.
Thanks for the helpful tool though, Gadi
ROP Chain for VirtualProtect() [(XP/2003 Server and up)] :
* [ Ruby ] *
def create_rop_chain()
MOna version :
$Revision: 545 $ $Id: 545 2014-02-22 22:46:02Z corelanc0d3r $ """
VERSION = '2.0' REV = filter(str.isdigit, '$Revision: 545 $') IMM = '1.8' DEBUGGERAPP = '' arch = 32 win7mode = False