corentingosselin / ProdigyCape

prodigycape is the most realistic cape plugin for your minecraft server
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Cape Movement Enhancement #10

Open jurvyy opened 1 month ago

jurvyy commented 1 month ago

Not quite a bug, though it could be very nice to have. Seems like the height movement of the player (jumping) is perfectly attacted to the cape. Though when a player rotates their head, the cape has a slight delay catching up. Is it possible to make it so the rotation is smoother? It would be a great addition to the plugin improving it overall.

Below is a video that demonstrates what I am referring to:

max1mde commented 1 month ago

Not really because the movement is calculated by the client but the rotations have to be updated by the server which always has a delay.

But the rotation could still be interpolated which would make it smoother.

corentingosselin commented 1 month ago

Yes we need to improve some part of the movements to make almost the same movement as a real cape. I should release an update with faster execution using async task. I don't know if you will notice a difference but it should be better

corentingosselin commented 1 month ago

so we manage to fix the cape rotation attach, we still need to make it smoother and the same jump effect as real cape