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disk space is full, what should I do? #1332

Open crawford opened 9 years ago

crawford commented 9 years ago

Issue by ablozhou

core@core-01 ~ $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on devtmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /dev tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /dev/shm tmpfs 1.5G 288K 1.5G 1% /run tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sda9 16G 15G 0 100% / /dev/sda3 985M 350M 585M 38% /usr tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /media tmpfs 1.5G 0 1.5G 0% /tmp /dev/sda6 108M 88K 99M 1% /usr/share/oem

the coreos I run it by vagrant. how to increase the disk space from host automatically?

crawford commented 8 years ago

Comment by munkyboy

vagrant halt the box. Use VBoxManage modifyhd to increase the drive.reference here Then vagrant up the box. CoreOS should automatically recognize the increased size in the /dev/sda9 partition.

crawford commented 8 years ago

Comment by gxela

can we have a box created for each different majorly prefered disk size, so to get up faster?

scratch all that below, if we could have a config like boot2docker that would be great

this dimension can be included in the box name and pulled in as per developer/project need.

20GB being the default and other can be selected 40GB 60GB 80GB 100GB 150GB 200GB 250GB 300GB 500GB 1TB

this can be part of your box build process and uploaded to the server that everyone uses to download this distribution from.

Linux users lover options, as do developers, so until there is no hacky way to do this manually or with a script then it would be preferred to get this out of the box with a simple flip of an option

By all means, you would be the first to do this, and therefore ahead of the game. thank you very much for such a great tool

crawford commented 8 years ago

Comment by elkcip

I am running out of disk space multiple times a day while experimenting with CoreOS. This is not a good "out of box" experience for new users, especially because it's not always obvious why "it's not working anymore". Lack of disk space can result in all sorts of errors that mention nothing of disk space until you dig a bit further. The workarounds I've seen are not something I want to inflict on my co-workers who just want a simple, working dev environment that they can easily destroy and recreate from scratch with 'vagrant up'.

crawford commented 8 years ago

Comment by kveroneau

munkyboy's solution sadly doesn't work, as the HDD image used by Vagrant is in VMDK format, here's the response I got: 0%... Progress state: VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED VBoxManage: error: Resize medium operation for this format is not implemented yet!

Unacceptable! Who in this day and age has tiny 20GB SATA disks! The size should be extremely large, as this size is not allocated on the phyical disk on operating systems that support "Sparse Files", and I also don't believe that VirtualBox even uses Sparse Files, but rather it's own method to grow the actual size on disk as needed.

The least you could do, is provide a Packer file for us "experts" to use, so that we can rebuild the box ourselves to our own specifications. I really don't like being treated like a goddamn child and having my hand held all the time. We are all adult developers and/or sys admins here. I don't see why CoreOS doesn't just give us a Packer JSON file so we can build our Vagrant box ourselves...