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multi-node/generic/: Unexpected error configuring flannel pod network on VPS #897

Open Outstep opened 7 years ago

Outstep commented 7 years ago

Greetings All,

I have just set up a 3-node CoreOS cluster and wanted to install using:


for the

core@US-NY-01 ~ $ sudo ./ TEMPLATE: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service TEMPLATE: /opt/bin/host-rkt TEMPLATE: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-proxy.yaml TEMPLATE: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml TEMPLATE: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml TEMPLATE: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/kube-dns-de.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/kube-dns-autoscaler-de.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/kube-dns-svc.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/heapster-de.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/heapster-svc.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/kube-dashboard-de.yaml TEMPLATE: /srv/kubernetes/manifests/kube-dashboard-svc.yaml TEMPLATE: /etc/flannel/options.env TEMPLATE: /etc/systemd/system/flanneld.service.d/40-ExecStartPre-symlink.conf.conf TEMPLATE: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/40-flannel.conf TEMPLATE: /etc/kubernetes/cni/docker_opts_cni.env TEMPLATE: /etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d/10-flannel.conf Waiting for etcd... Trying: 216.x.x.x (hidden) Trying: 185.x.x.x (hidden) **Unexpected error configuring flannel pod network: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">

405 Method Not Allowed

Method Not Allowed

The requested method PUT is not allowed for the URL /v2/keys/

** Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/update-engine.service → /dev/null. Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/flanneld.service. ------------------------------------------------ I can see from above that there is an error with flannel pod but I do not know how to resolve it so that the script will run. I have also already set up the /etc/kubernetes/ssl *.pem files which needed to be done first on the controller node and have not yet done anything but the basic CoreOS install on the worker nodes. Has someone run across this and how might I fix it? Thanks, Lonnie