Trying to deploy etcd cluster with Prometheus. Since the Prometheus service monitor rely on the label selector of the services to scrap the metrics from the etcd pods, having client and peer services with same label is causing the Prometheus to scrape the metrics from each etcd pod 2 times.
etcd client and peer services:
[kuberadmin@sarath-reddy-k8-master-1-a00031-4b2c09f7b029c1b8 ~]$ kc get svc -o wide
etcd-cluster ClusterIP None <none> 2379/TCP,2380/TCP 31m app=etcd,etcd_cluster=etcd-cluster
etcd-cluster-client ClusterIP <none> 2379/TCP 31m app=etcd,etcd_cluster=etcd-cluster
Since both the services are defined with the label app=etcd and both has port name client, prometheus is running metrics on endpoints of both services etcd-cluster and etcd-cluster-client.
Need suggestion
Assuming people are already using Prometheus with etcd-operator and etcd-cluster, is there any solution to define ServiceMonitor so that Prometheus can only select "etcd-cluster-client" service.
The problem description
Trying to deploy etcd cluster with Prometheus. Since the Prometheus service monitor rely on the label selector of the services to scrap the metrics from the etcd pods, having client and peer services with same label is causing the Prometheus to scrape the metrics from each etcd pod 2 times.
e.g. etcd client and peer services:
my servicemonitor :
Since both the services are defined with the label app=etcd and both has port name client, prometheus is running metrics on endpoints of both services etcd-cluster and etcd-cluster-client.
Need suggestion Assuming people are already using Prometheus with etcd-operator and etcd-cluster, is there any solution to define ServiceMonitor so that Prometheus can only select "etcd-cluster-client" service.