Backup operator ignoring maxbackups setting and creating new blobs without deleting the old one.
blob format: etcd.backup_v3_2019-12-15-15:57:59
This is running on AKS K8s version 1.14.8, storage account type: BlobStorage
etcdbackup definintion:
apiVersion: ""
kind: "EtcdBackup"
name: example-etcd-cluster-1-backup
namespace: admin
backupIntervalInSecond: 125
maxBackups: 4
etcdEndpoints: ["http://example-etcd-cluster-1-client:2379"]
storageType: ABS
# The format of the path must be: "<abs-container-name>/<path-to-backup-file>"
path: etcd-backups/etcd.backup
absSecret: abs-credentials
error in cr status (but backup still works):
Reason: 'failed to save snapshot (create etcd client failed: failed to get etcd
client with maximum kv store revision: could not create an etcd client for the
max revision purpose from given endpoints ([http://example-etcd-cluster-1-client:2379]))'
etcdRevision: 3
etcdVersion: 3.2.13
lastSuccessDate: "2019-12-15T16:12:34Z"
succeeded: false
Backup operator ignoring maxbackups setting and creating new blobs without deleting the old one. blob format: etcd.backup_v3_2019-12-15-15:57:59
This is running on AKS K8s version 1.14.8, storage account type: BlobStorage
etcdbackup definintion:
error in cr status (but backup still works):