I try to access a S3 compatible storage via etcd-operator. I found the error occurs when the ContentLength will be checked. In my case this is always nil for the GetObject call.
When I use curl and print the Header in a file the Content-Length key is available.
I extracted the s3 code and the output of the test program looks like:
I try to access a S3 compatible storage via etcd-operator. I found the error occurs when the ContentLength will be checked. In my case this is always nil for the GetObject call.
When I use curl and print the Header in a file the Content-Length key is available.
I extracted the s3 code and the output of the test program looks like:
When I try the same with curl, the Content-Length key is set as expected. Below is the header from my curl call:
The status of my backup is:
but the file was written.