The meeting is held every week, meetings are at 16:30 UTC on Wednesdays. The meeting is held in on matrix. The meeting is logged and the logs are available here
Required Concepts
On some topics we will need to vote. The following rules apply to the voting
Working Group Members and Points of Contact
Please see [meeting-people.txt](
Meeting host Requirements
The meeting host needs to have a matrix account (an example is an account on the [fedora matrix server](
The host needs to have access to the following channels on matrix
- [](
- [](
The host needs to have a fedora account and be able to post discussion topics to the [fedora project](
## For Regularly Scheduled Meetings
A quorum for the meeting is 5 people, or 51% of the members of the WG listed
below, which ever is lower. Voting items must pass with a majority of the
members voting at the meeting.
## For General Ad-Hoc Votes
- All ad-hoc votes will be held via [tracker issues](
- Ad-hoc votes must be announced on the current primary mailing list for Fedora Atomic (atomic-devel).
- Ad-hoc votes must be open for at least three working days (see below) after the announcement.
At least 5 people must vote, or 51% of the WG membership, whichever is
less. Votes are "+1" (in favor), "-1" (against), or +0 (abstain). Votes
pass by a simple majority of those voting.
## For Urgent Ad-Hoc Votes
- All ad-hoc votes will be held via tracker issues in the fedora-coreos-tracker repository.
- Ad-hoc votes must be announced on the current primary mailing list for Fedora CoreOS.
- Ad-Hoc votes must be open for at least three hours after the announcement.
At least 5 people must vote, or 51% of the WG membership, whichever is less. Votes are "+1" (in favor), "-1" (against), or +0 (abstain). Votes pass by a 2/3 majority of those voting (round up).
FCOS community meeting in If you don't want to be pinged remove your name from this file:
[x] subject: Fedora CoreOS Community Meeting Minutes YYYY-MM-DD
[x] category: Project Discussion
[x] tags: coreos-wg
[x] In the terminal Copy and paste the following
fcosmeetinghtml() {
# Extract meeting date and time from the summary URL
MEETING_DATE_TIME=$(echo "$SUMMARY_URL" | grep -Eo '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}')
# Extract meeting date from the date and time
MEETING_DATE=$(echo "$MEETING_DATE_TIME" | cut -d'-' -f1-3)
# Hydrate the raw summary URL based on the meeting date and time
# Generate the log URL based on the meeting date and time
# Extract line numbers and timestamps from the log file
timestamps_and_lines=$(curl -s "$RAW_LOG_URL" | grep -Eo '<div class="d-table-row" id="l-[0-9]+">|<div class="d-table-cell time shrink pe-1">[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}</div>')
# Generate sed commands to replace timestamps with hyperlinks including line numbers
while read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ '<div class="d-table-row" id="l-' ]]; then
current_line=$(echo "$line" | grep -Eo 'id="l-[0-9]+"')
elif [[ "$line" =~ '<div class="d-table-cell time shrink pe-1">' ]]; then
timestamp=$(echo "$line" | grep -Eo '[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}')
line_number=$(echo "$current_line" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+')
sed_commands+="s@.*<span class=\"details\">.*($timestamp).*<\/span>@<a href=\"$RAW_LOG_URL#l-$line_number\">&<\/a>@;"
done <<< "$timestamps_and_lines"
# Apply sed commands to the summary file, delete <head> contents, and echo the result
curl -s "$RAW_SUMMARY_URL" | sed -E -e "$sed_commands" | sed '/<head>/,/<\/head>/d' | sed 's/TOPIC://g'
[x] In the terminal run fcosmeetinghtml <this-meetings-notes>.html
Meeting Notes
The meeting is held every week, meetings are at
16:30 UTC
on Wednesdays. The meeting is held in on matrix. The meeting is logged and the logs are available hereRequired Concepts
On some topics we will need to vote. The following rules apply to the voting process.Working Group Members and Points of Contact
Please see [meeting-people.txt]( host Requirements
The meeting host needs to have a matrix account (an example is an account on the [fedora matrix server]( The host needs to have access to the following channels on matrix - []( - []( The host needs to have a fedora account and be able to post discussion topics to the [fedora project]( Steps
Join channel on matrix, copy these commands and paste them in the channel
!startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting
!topic roll call
Switch to channel on matrix
[x] Copy the following notification and post it
Switch back to wait for people to join
After 2-4 mins pass start the Action items from last meeting
!topic Action items from last meeting
Failed: to get action items, check the last meeting notes.
After the Action items are covered start the topics from the tracker
!topic Latest next VMWare OVA Fails To Boot
!topic Roadmap to Fedora Bootable Containers
Once all the topics are covered start the open floor
!topic Open Floor
Once the time limit is reached or the open floor is quiet end the meeting
Navigate to the tickets that were discussed
labelEmail a meeting summary
[x] The body of the email is two parts
[x] Header
Copy and paste the following
with the link from
[x] Body
filePost to fedora project
Fedora CoreOS Community Meeting Minutes YYYY-MM-DD
Project Discussion
[x] In the terminal Copy and paste the following
fcosmeetinghtml <this-meetings-notes>.html