coreos / fleet

fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed init system
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Cloud-Config Fleet Security Settings #1075

Open micahasmith opened 9 years ago

micahasmith commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to write up how to secure CoreOS/fleet/etcd.

It looks like some etcd cert settings need specified for fleet as well.

Does the following cloud-config seem to specify them correctly?

    # generate a new token for each unique cluster from
    # WARNING: replace each time you 'vagrant destroy'
    addr: $public_ipv4:4001
    peer-addr: $public_ipv4:7001

    # configure files for etcd security
    ca-file: /etc/etcd/printio.pem
    key-file: /etc/etcd/printio.key.insecure
    cert-file: /etc/etcd/printio.crt
    peer-key-file: /etc/etcd/printio.key.insecure
    peer-cert-file: /etc/etcd/printio.crt
    peer-ca-file: /etc/etcd/ca.crt
    public-ip: $public_ipv4
    # !! this is the section i'm interested in validating !!
    etcd-ca-file: /etc/etcd/printio.pem
    etcd-keyfile: /etc/etcd/printio.key.insecure
    etcd-certfile: /etc/etcd/printio.crt

Are there other security settings that are fleet specific that I should look into?


jonboulle commented 9 years ago

@micahasmith This looks reasonable to me (and we are definitely lacking a nice HOWTO in this area so would greatly welcome such a document if you'd be willing to contribute it!). Are things working okay for you with this setup?

sepiroth887 commented 9 years ago

A writeup on how client auth works with fleet would be great, also how the REST API would handle this. Would the HTTPS request to fleet API have to be signed by the etcd-keyfile?

micahasmith commented 9 years ago

@jonboulle the only issue i'm experiencing right now is

note that i do have my entire "securing coreos/etcd/fleet process" written up in a HOWTO at