coreos / fleet

fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed init system
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build: secured CDIR variable, now should work with spaces in path #1643

Closed kayrus closed 7 years ago

dongsupark commented 7 years ago

Generally I think it's a good idea. But functional test's build is always failing with:

can't load package: package cannot find package "" in any of:
    /home/core/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/core/fleet/functional/gopath/src/ (from $GOPATH)


dongsupark commented 7 years ago

Ok, the build error happens because both functional/test and build-env try to define a variable ${CDIR}, although functional/test sources build-env. You need to rename ${CDIR} into another name, either in functional/test or build-env. I think a correct fix would be to update build-env, as that's also imported by other files.

kayrus commented 7 years ago

fixed in other way. just use CDIR=$(cddirname "$0/.."&& pwd)

dongsupark commented 7 years ago