coreos / fleet

fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed init system
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functional: introduce build tags all and dummytest #1686

Closed dongsupark closed 7 years ago

dongsupark commented 7 years ago

For each source file for functional tests, define build tags, "all" and "dummytest". Only one of the two tags must be enabled. Accordingly change functional/test script too.

Also define TestDummy() that only sets up test clusters, without running any tests. This test might be useful for manual debugging.

jonboulle commented 7 years ago

sorry I don't really get the point of this - can you explain further?

dongsupark commented 7 years ago

@jonboulle A little background: When I need to debug a functional test, one of my typical debugging approaches is to insert time.Sleep(3600 * time.Second) to a certain point in a particular test. Then I run ./run-in-qemu --run TestSomething, which will be blocked for a long time (an hour) at that very point. This way I'm able to achieve those things: launch a test VM, set up a testing cluster with nspawn containers, run fleetd for each container, and do manual debugging.

However doing this every time looks like a dirty hack. So with this PR I wanted to create a dummy test to launch a dummy test cluster, in order to avoid changing functional tests every time.

Now I'm looking into this code again, and I have to admit, all the change indeed looks like overkill. Still I might need to change some parts in functional tests. So I'm fine with closing this PR. Instead I should probably write a separate script to launch a test cluster, or a command-line tool that is based on go library exported by functional tests.