coreos / fleet

fleet ties together systemd and etcd into a distributed init system
Apache License 2.0
2.42k stars 303 forks source link

Do Fleet component have debug tool?I am Worried about this?Hope to get any answer。 #1724

Closed zhangbaoting closed 7 years ago

zhangbaoting commented 7 years ago

Do Fleet component have debug tool?I am Worried about this?Hope to get any answer。

jonboulle commented 7 years ago

There is no specific debugging tool for fleet. Enabling the verbosity configuration option will provide various information in the logs, but that's about the extent of it today. Since it heavily utilises etcd and systemd you can also leverage the appropriate tools for debugging those directly.

I noticed you've been submitting several questions here and on the CoreOS mailing lists about using fleet. As we have expressed elsewhere and as documented in the README, CoreOS will no longer be providing any support or development for the fleet project, and so we would strongly encourage you to consider using Kubernetes instead for any new deployments.