coreos / go-oidc

A Go OpenID Connect client.
Apache License 2.0
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Create a reusable server for OIDC flow in CLIs #354

Closed jlewi closed 1 year ago

jlewi commented 1 year ago

Should the package contain a reusable to stock server to handle the callbacks required by the OIDC flow?

The two examples both appear to be defining this code

If your creating a CLI I think a stock server would probably work in most cases and you probably aren't already running a server that you'd want to add the required handlers to. So I think a stock server would be valuable.

ericchiang commented 1 year ago

I think this is out of scope for this package. As you've stated, a simple server is easy(-ish) to provide. There are significant customizations you need for a production server, and I'm not sure what a good API would be. If you have a basic use case, it's easy to copy the examples.

A while back, when working on, I had some ideas for a package with server-side logic, but that'd probably be a collection of utilities for parsing redirect URLs, scopes, building token response, etc. rather than a http.Server.

I actually remember a Go package that tried to provide a generalized OAuth 2.0 server framework, but I couldn't find it. There were a lot of callbacks.

If there's an API you'd like to propose, happy to reopen. But without that it's hard to imagine this package expanding this significantly.