coreos / rpm-ostree

⚛📦 Hybrid image/package system with atomic upgrades and package layering
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Font cache doesn’t get updated after installation #1442

Open fbruetting opened 6 years ago

fbruetting commented 6 years ago

Host system details

rpm-ostree status
State: idle; auto updates disabled
● ostree://fedora-workstation:fedora/28/x86_64/workstation
                   Version: 28.20180630.0 (2018-07-01 00:34:45)
                BaseCommit: a1d727723896673fcc9c9469a5030c084da639ee874093d3fb230c3e96a874c7
              GPGSignature: Valid signature by 128CF232A9371991C8A65695E08E7E629DB62FB1
           LayeredPackages: adapta-gtk-theme adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
                            adobe-source-sans-pro-fonts adobe-source-serif-pro-fonts
                            android-tools chrome-gnome-shell dconf-editor dnf easytag exa
                            exfat-utils fd-find ffmpeg-libs gcolor2 git glances gnome-tweaks
                            gnome-usage gpick hack-fonts htop iftop julia
                            linux-libertine-biolinum-fonts linux-libertine-fonts mosh neovim
                            powerline-go pv pygobject3 python3-matplotlib ripgrep
                            setroubleshoot task tilix tilix-nautilus tmux tokei youtube-dl
             LocalPackages: rpmfusion-free-release-28-1.noarch

Expected vs actual behavior I installed hack-fonts via the heliocastro-COPR and rpm-ostree status lists it installed. But I needed a manual fc-cache -f -v for getting the font cache updated. This has never been the case on regular Fedora (22…27) to me.

jlebon commented 6 years ago

Hmm, yeah I think I've hit this myself but haven't looked further into it. There's some history there with and Here... it looks like we might not be executing the %transfiletriggerin for fontconfig?