coreruleset / coreruleset

OWASP CRS (Official Repository)
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Include Coreruleset in Opensource Firewall (OPNsense) #3724

Open Vivekmauli14 opened 3 weeks ago

Vivekmauli14 commented 3 weeks ago

I wanted to include mod-security ruleset in the WAF (Nginx) of my OPNsense firewall for OWASP Top 10 Security risks. Any idea or reference on how to do it ??

franbuehler commented 3 weeks ago

I have no idea if this integration is possible, but I doubt that OPNsense understands the SecRule language as it is. Let's wait for other comments...

EsadCetiner commented 3 weeks ago

@Vivekmauli14 OPNSense doesn't support ModSecurity, although it does support NAXSI it can't consume SecLang rules (which is what OWASP_CRS is written in). Somebody would have to create a ModSecurity package first for OPNSense before support for OWASP_CRS can be included in OPNSense.

airween commented 3 weeks ago

Pfsense is based on FreeBSD, right? I'm sure libmodsecuirty3 and Nginx connector can be built on FreeBSD too.

Seems like here is a tutorial how to make a custom package - feel free to start it, and let me know if I can help you anything.

EsadCetiner commented 3 weeks ago

@airween OPNSense is a fork of pfSense, they're pretty similar outside of a newer FreeBSD version and fancier GUI

Vivekmauli14 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the information Guys! You are right, OPNsense is based on FreeBSD 13.

although This pkg is not available for FreeBSD : modsecurity-crs,

I have come across these packages:

modsecurity3-nginx-1.0.3.pkg and modsecurity3-3.0.12.pkg

Would this be helpful for my needs of including CoreRuleset ?

I am concerned that Naxsi does not cover all the OWASP Top 10 mitigation rules. Although I have configured NAXSI on the WAF of my OPNsense, I am considering whether I can also add ModSecurity to enhance the security coverage.

Looking forward to your thoughts.


airween commented 3 weeks ago

although This pkg is not available for FreeBSD : modsecurity-crs,

but you don't need to compile/build this source,

I have come across these packages:

modsecurity3-nginx-1.0.3.pkg and modsecurity3-3.0.12.pkg

Would this be helpful for my needs of including CoreRuleset ?

I assume yes, these would be enough. You just need to download the CRS and set up it.

franbuehler commented 3 weeks ago

Also asked on SSE:

Monviech commented 3 weeks ago

The OPNsense has a caddy plugin.

So you can compile caddy with Compiling caddy with additional modules uses this file:

That would enable the modsecurity coreruleset when using caddy as reverse proxy on OPNsense.

Please note that I have no plans to build it into the GUI of the plugin, nor offer it precompiled in the binary.

It would be an individual effort on your side. I just wanted to say that there is a framework ready that can work if somebody wants to contribute it via PR and test it all.