coreruleset / go-ftw

Web Application Firewall Testing Framework - Go version
Apache License 2.0
101 stars 27 forks source link

New name for go-ftw #312

Open theseion opened 1 month ago

theseion commented 1 month ago

We have been thinking about renaming the project. The name go-ftw was a quick win to replace the retired ftw.

Our reasons to rename the project are:



waft 🚫

Meaning: "WAF tester"




Meaning: "Web Server Test utilitY"



waffles, waflz, etc. 🚫



Meaning: "WAF testing framework"


RedXanadu commented 4 weeks ago

For what it's worth, I think the current name is fine and I've always known what FTW stood for (it's stated on the first line on the front page / readme file of both go-ftw and the original ftw. I wasn't aware this was unknown / an issue. If someone will not read the first line of your project then that's a them problem, not a you problem :stuck_out_tongue:)

But, always happy to make alternative name suggestions :grinning:

Of the suggestions so far:


Web Application Firewall EvaluatoR

Web Application Firewall Evaluation Routine

Web Application Firewall Evaluation Runner :grinning: (:arrow_backward: I particularly like this one!)

Web Application Firewall Evaluation Runtime

Web Application Firewall ExerciseR :sweat_smile:

Web Application Firewall Exercise Routine

Web Application Firewall Evaluating Robot :robot:


Application Firewall Tester


Application Firewall TestER


The Application Firewall Tester


(The) Reliable Application Firewall TestER :sweat_smile:


Layer 7 Application Firewall TestER

theseion commented 4 weeks ago

These are great, thanks! I had wafr in my head but couldn't come up with a good explanation for the acronym.

fzipi commented 4 weeks ago


Real Application Firewall Tester

theseion commented 4 weeks ago

Yeah, unfortunately, raft is taken by the raft protocol.

huberts90 commented 3 weeks ago

Let me add adding my two cents:

  1. WAFIn: Web Application Firewall Inspector
  2. WAFEx: Web Application Firewall Examiner
  3. WAFOver: Web Application Firewall Overseer
fzipi commented 2 weeks ago

Waf Testing Helper: wth!

dune73 commented 2 weeks ago

Please pronounce phonetically.

fzipi commented 2 weeks ago

Please pronounce phonetically.


theseion commented 2 weeks ago

wth is actually a fun idea. It could also stand for what the heck, which would be a funny little insider :)