Open Arien02 opened 1 month ago
@Arien02 Hi, can you provide me with a full audit message? I need to see the value of a route
I think this is all the message for this event:
`---cwTl5am9---A-- [19/Oct/2024:11:12:00 +0200] 172932912051.582156 1298 yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 8081 ---cwTl5am9---B-- POST /phpmyadmin/index.php?route=/sql&db=c1defensamedb&table=wp_options&goto=index.php%3Froute%3D%2Fdatabase%2Fsql&pos=0&is_js_confirmed=0 HTTP/2.0 sec-gpc: 1 user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/131.0 sec-fetch-site: same-origin origin: dnt: 1 x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest authorization: Basic YWRtaW5fcG1hOjhqJkh0Nnk1 content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd cookie: pma_lang_https=en; phpMyAdmin_https=baj2a3ita7v9gndqfq9u9o24ov; pmaUser-1_https=Fqf7Z4xEZ8%2Fr%2B4%2BLVw0Q8KBPhMkQ3qERNMjEVemxZYikUoJyzx1z7eQp2Oc%3D; pmaAuth-1_https=VsATXhEN%2BDxiepA2g8uW1zYZ4wOsI75eHZDGlTTpKO9IbPVEjDKU%2BLOmuhAGdPrxq%2BdWAbPBWB8bjUHgY0%2F8JRfe%2FSM%3D; ISPCSESS=a297k9npto2s0vq9bs6leofk6m content-length: 441 priority: u=0 accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.5 te: trailers accept: / host: sec-fetch-dest: empty sec-fetch-mode: cors
\x0d\x0aThe H
section is completely messed up and useless. Please don't edit it except censoring sensitive data.
Sorry! Updated with right copy&paste result.
section is completely messed up and useless. Please don't edit it except censoring sensitive data.
Can you please take a look? I already fixed the copy & paste issue for the message.
Thank you!
Hi! I've found an error when trying to browse search results with phpmyadmin:
phpMyadmin version: 5.2.1 phpmyadmin-rule-exclusions-plugin: 1.0.0
Modsec audit:
Do you have any suggestion? Thank you!