coreshop / CoreShop

CoreShop - Pimcore enhanced eCommerce
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Notification Rules doesn't have state/transitions in DEV mode #2618

Closed hethehe closed 2 months ago

hethehe commented 2 months ago
Bug report? yes
Feature request? no
BC Break report? no (maybe from Symfony)
RFC? no

Notification Rules can be configured with conditions. For example. Order Confirmation => Rule Type: order => Condition: Order Transition => State Change to: [create, confirm, cancel, complete]

This state are provided by the CoreShop\Bundle\OrderBundle\Controller\OrderController::getStatesAction => route: /admin/coreshop/order/get-states

There is an if condition which check for an instance of Symfony\Component\Workflow\StateMachine. But since Symfony 6.4 there is a new Class Symfony\Component\Workflow\Debug\TraceableWorkflow which is used in the debug mode.

We have to check that the class is an instance of Symfony\Component\Workflow\WorkflowInterface instead of Symfony\Component\Workflow\StateMachine

PR is on the way...