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[ResourceBundle] Fix EntityMerger and cascade-merging #2622

Closed dpfaffenbauer closed 2 months ago

dpfaffenbauer commented 2 months ago
Bug fix? yes
New feature? yes/no
BC breaks? no
Deprecations? no
Fixed tickets #2621

@solverat Please check if this works.

We need to refactor these things completely. It is so hard to debug and understand. I remember why we have the EntityMerger, but I am certain there are easier ways.

Main reason for the Entity Merger is:

One workaround might be to use DTOs. So we don't actually work with real entities in combination with Pimcore DataObjects, but with DTOs that get converted to Entity on persisting. Not sure about it though.

dpfaffenbauer commented 2 months ago

It also seems to break other stuff...

dpfaffenbauer commented 2 months ago

@solverat this works, but might break versions. Can you check please?

solverat commented 2 months ago

@dpfaffenbauer Thanks for your investigation! It is simply brutal. Getting rid of the EntityMerger would be a good thing - especially for DX!

I just added your changes and removing / updating / adding units works flawless.

If I'm remembering it right, the EntityMerger exists because of Versions to handle drafts. With these changes, creating / updating / publishing versions are not working anymore (Which is quite obvious).

So I tried to go further without using the Entity Manager. I did two things:

First, if we're storing a version, do not use the default entity manager in getDataFromEditmode:

public function getDataFromEditmode(mixed $data, Concrete $object = null, array $params = []): mixed
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        return null;

    $errors = [];

    // example code here!
    $onlyVersion = \Pimcore::getContainer()->get('request_stack')->getMainRequest()->query->get('task') === 'version';

    if ($onlyVersion === false) {
        $unitDefinitionsEntity = $this->getProductUnitDefinitionsRepository()->findOneForProduct($object);
    } else {
        $tempEntityManager = $this->createTempEntityManager($this->getEntityManager());
        $tempStoreValuesRepository = $this->getProductUnitDefinitionsRepositoryFactory()->createNewRepository($tempEntityManager);
        $unitDefinitionsEntity = $tempStoreValuesRepository->findOneForProduct($object);

    // [...]

Second, we need to adjust the unmarshal method. PLEASE! Do not judge the example code here, I just modified the serialized data to simulate the form data:

public function unmarshalVersion(Concrete $object, mixed $data): mixed
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            return null;

        $unitDefinitionsEntity = $this->getProductUnitDefinitionsRepository()->findOneForProduct($object);
        $form = $this->getFormFactory()->createNamed('', ProductUnitDefinitionsType::class, $unitDefinitionsEntity);

        // @todo: use marshalVersion to store data in a right manner so we don't have to do this mess:

        $data['product'] = $object->getId();

        $additional = [];
        foreach($data['unitDefinitions'] as $index => $unitDefinition) {
            if($unitDefinition['id'] === $data['defaultUnitDefinition']['id']) {

            $unitDefinition['unit'] = $unitDefinition['unit']['id'];

            $additional[$index] = $unitDefinition;

        $data['additionalUnitDefinitions'] = $additional;
        $data['defaultUnitDefinition'] = [
            'unit' => $data['defaultUnitDefinition']['unit']['id'],
            'precision' => $data['defaultUnitDefinition']['precision'],
            'conversionRate' => $data['defaultUnitDefinition']['conversionRate'],



        return $form->getData();

The EntityManager is required by following data types and if this is a suitable way, we should also take care about them:

dpfaffenbauer commented 2 months ago

@solverat Main issue is how Pimcore persists and in what order. We do run the flush multiple times due to how Pimcore works. We run it for StoreValues, UnitDefinitions and Price Rules.

In this scenario, the unit definitions are the first. They actually get deleted, but then the StoreValues one comes and runs and re-adds it. But not completely right.

There is 2 fixes in here, one for only merge cascades that are actually configured to fix the issue with the ordering and old "entity" state. I had the issue that the Unit Definition never got deleted, the Unit Definitions Persister deleted it, the StoreValues added it back again. Since that one has a relation to it via Unit Definition Pricing. If we don't cascade merge that relation, we don't get the issue.

It is all a bit buggy and tricky...

solverat commented 2 months ago

There seems to be an issue if you're trying to remove an additional unit.

=> checkout db:

=> next:

dpfaffenbauer commented 2 months ago

@solverat this is killing me... Maybe, only maybe, I got it this time.

solverat commented 2 months ago

Improved. Next (Versions):

Exception: Warning: Attempt to read property "reflFields" on string

solverat commented 2 months ago

Also: QPR Ranges can't be added anymore (add a qpr with a range and unit and save).

dpfaffenbauer commented 2 months ago

@solverat please try again