coreshop / CoreShop

CoreShop - Pimcore enhanced eCommerce
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Solidify Workflows #267

Closed solverat closed 6 years ago

solverat commented 6 years ago


Order States

These are the default States and Statuses which comes shipped with CoreShop.

State: Used by Core and Backend. It's not possible to add custom States! Status: Used to display to User in Frontend (Order Overview). It's possible to add custom status fields to give frontend customer a better overview about his current order state.

State Status Description Comments
~INITIALIZED~ INITIALIZED The Default State when creating an Order Object Remove it since it has no meaning to customer and/or backend office?
NEW NEW A new Order has been placed. This State is actually not implemented. We should use this State instead of INITIALIZED
PENDING_PAYMENT WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT, PENDING_PAYMENT This is a difficult one. This State gets applied if users choose offline payment or if payment gateway wants to manually capture the payment. Depending on selection the status will change to WAITING_FOR_PAYMENT or PENDING_PAYMENT.
PAYMENT_REVIEW PAYMENT_REVIEW If something went wrong during payment (wrong amount, fraud detection) this state gets applied.
PROCESSING PROCESSING Processing means that orders are currently in processing state.
COMPLETE SHIPPED Orders marked as complete have been invoiced and have shipped.
CLOSED REFUNDED Closed orders are orders that have had a credit memo assigned to it and the customer has been refunded for their order. Rename CLOSED Status to REFUNDED
CANCELED CANCELED Cancelled orders should be used if orders are cancelled or if the orders have not been paid for.
~ON_HOLD~ ON_HOLD Orders placed on hold must be taken off hold before continuing any further actions. Remove it! Since we can't switch back to PROCESSING, we should add ON_HOLD as a Status to PROCESSING

Payment States

State Description Comments
NEW Payment has been created. This happens after customer hits the 'buy' button in checkout summary.
PROCESSING If payment has been authorized
COMPLETED Payment has been successfully captured.
FAILED Guess what.
CANCELLED Payment has been canceled on gateway side.
REFUNDED Payment has been refunded.
UNKNOWN Status is unknown.
dpfaffenbauer commented 6 years ago

Transitions need to be defined as well.

solverat commented 6 years ago

This ticket is not relevant anymore since we're now using the symfony state machine, see #276.