coresmart / persistencejs

persistence.js is an asynchronous Javascript database mapper library. You can use it in the browser, as well on the server (and you can share data models between them).
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PostgreSQL Support #106

Open mhuggins opened 11 years ago

mhuggins commented 11 years ago

Are there any plans of supporting PostgreSQL, or is it already supported? As far as I can tell, only MySQL and SQLite databases are supported.

zefhemel commented 11 years ago

No plans atm.

airtonix commented 10 years ago

I know this was created along time ago, but you really should consider supporting postgres (I would even go so far as to say "instead of mysql" ).

perhaps this presentation about the deficiencies of mysql will give you motivation:

pazifikwelle commented 10 years ago

Sorry to say, but that video is simply stupid and should not be used as an argument for the implementation of PGSQL: "However all this guy is demonstrating is that you can't treat MySQL like PGSQL.

1) mysql cli client would show warnings for all the examples demoe'd. Never been a fan of workbench

2) Mysql's default behaviour is to intentionally capture whatever you INSERT/UPDATE despite YOU sending it bad data. YOU don't want nulls? It honours that and certainly does fail if you attempt explicit NULL insertion"

That dude is using the MyISAM engine which is not really ACID.....nor a DBMS.

I've read a lot about MySQL vs. PGSQL vc. ORACLE at a certain point in time behind and are still comfortable with MySQL (on InnoDB).

I've persistence.js understood as "orm"- Framework mainly intended for client-side use, so I would rather add functionality at that point and not on the server side.


2013/10/6 Zenobius Jiricek

I know this was created along time ago, but you really should consider supporting postgres (I would even go so far as to say "instead of mysql" ).

perhaps this presentation about the deficiencies of mysql will give you motivation:

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Stefan Hanke

skype: shanke24143

mobile: +491724264228

airtonix commented 10 years ago

Oh. I thought persistence was nodejs and therefore sever side.

That's OK you've demonstrated a bias against postgres which means (I guess) that it'll be a long time before persistence supports postgres (if at all).

Which is a shame, because I like what you're doing in principle, except I won't ever use mysql.

Thanks for considering it though :)

pazifikwelle commented 10 years ago

Oh, good morning - I've not yet used persistence.js server-side...

I know that there are some reasons for pqsql, but comparing pgsql to mysql on myisam is like apple and strawberries - maybe it's not so hard to implement a plugin for persistence.js. There will be SQL-dialect differences, but as far as I've understood Zef's Plugin-Architecture it should be possible to swap the DB-Adapter.

Good luck!

(I use persistence.js with persistence.sync on Android,iOS from within phonegap for offline-mode support )

2013/10/7 Zenobius Jiricek

Oh. I thought persistence was nodejs and therefore sever side.

That's OK you've demonstrated a bias against postgres which means (I guess) that it'll be a long time before persistence supports postgres (if at all).

Which is a shame, because I like what you're doing in principle, except I won't ever use mysql.

Thanks for considering it though :)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Stefan Hanke

skype: shanke24143

mobile: +491724264228