coresmart / persistencejs

persistence.js is an asynchronous Javascript database mapper library. You can use it in the browser, as well on the server (and you can share data models between them).
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add warning when adding 'id' as property #117

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

I had trouble adding entities with one-to-many relationships. The statement always failed with the following error message:

Error: Property 'container' of 'Item' with id: [object Object] not fetched, either prefetch it or fetch it manually.
[Break On This Error]   

exports.config =;

using the following program:

var Container = persistence.define( 'Container', { id: 'INT', size: 'INT' } )
var Item      = persistence.define( 'Item', { name : "TEXT" } )
Container.hasMany( 'items', Item, 'container' ) persistence )


var container = new Container( { size : 10 } )
var item      = new Item     ( { name : 'foo'} )

container.items.add( item )
persistence.add( container )

Container.all().list( function( ctns )
    console.log( ctns )

Then I found that I was actually overwriting a property that persistence is making use of. As 'id' is a common property in relational models, I think persistence should throw a exception when trying to add a property with that name.