coresmart / persistencejs

persistence.js is an asynchronous Javascript database mapper library. You can use it in the browser, as well on the server (and you can share data models between them).
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Update version #123

Closed jrvidal closed 11 years ago

jrvidal commented 11 years ago

I have noticed that the last tag (0.2.4) in the repo is 2 years old, and the same for the last version bump in the package.json file (3e48e679b9874f4aa2a217b5f60766198976a7db). Is there any possibility to update them?

That will ease the integration with package management tools such as npm or bower.

jrvidal commented 11 years ago

Will you be willing to accept a pull request? I didn't suggest it right away because I don't feel I could evaluate the stability of the library. 0.3.0 perhaps?

zefhemel commented 11 years ago

Just published version 0.3.0.