coreyauger / Neo4JMembershipProvider Neo4J Membership Provider
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fixed issues with nuget packages and added role provider #4

Closed pcmantinker closed 10 years ago

pcmantinker commented 10 years ago

I fixed a few issues with the Nuget package configuration for the solution and I added my Neo4j custom role provider. I have not thoroughly tested every possible function in the role provider, but basic functions such as adding/removing a role or adding/removing a person from a role have been tested. I've also tested the IsUserInRole function as that was the main purpose for creating this custom provider.

coreyauger commented 10 years ago

Thanks Cameron. I think the next big thing is OAuth. I will test out your changes when i get a chance.

pcmantinker commented 10 years ago

No problem! I forgot to update your, but I can do so later if you like. The main thing to add would be the roleManager section in your web.config:

<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="Neo4JRoleProvider">
        <clear />
        <add name="Neo4JRoleProvider" type="Nextwave.Neo4J.Membership.Neo4JRolesProvider" connectionStringName="DefaultConnection" applicationName="app" />

I am very interested in OAuth too. I will play with that some over the next week or two.

coreyauger commented 10 years ago

right on.. i will stick that in the readme. Do you have a project that is live anywhere i can check out? Pretty pumped that it is working out in the wild :)

pcmantinker commented 10 years ago

I've implemented your membership provider and my role provider on It's still a huge work in progress, but the registration and logging in works. I've also got basic profiles, although I wrote my own profile manager and I'm not using .NET's profile manager. You can also add your Xbox LIVE and PSN accounts to your profile :). For now, only Xbox LIVE games and achievements are capable of being shown, but PSN is soon to follow. Also, regarding account credentials for Xbox LIVE and PSN, I don't store passwords. I'm only capturing the oauth tokens for both services.

coreyauger commented 10 years ago

VERY interesting. Are you on skype? We should talk. I have a project that I have stopped working on that was super fun.. check it out here:

We should see if you can use anything from that as it is literally doing nothing right now.. and was to cool to waste. Let me know what you think.

pcmantinker commented 10 years ago

Yes, my Skype is pcmantinker. Look forward to chatting! And PlayQuest looks very nice!