coreybutler / node-windows

Windows support for Node.JS scripts (daemons, eventlog, UAC, etc).
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Where are winston log files kept when running as a windows service? #176

Closed DrYSG closed 7 years ago

DrYSG commented 7 years ago

I have been using the winston log service to write log files to the console and to at file (zipped archive). This has all been working fine, since when the app is started with the command $node app.js, and it puts everything in the current folder.

The issue is that that I need to run the node program as windows service, which creates a /deamon/ folder and runs a EXE from that folder which wraps node.exe and runs the application from the /deamon/folder. I am creating the service with the node-windows tool: ( ) and directing the console messages (stdout) to a file (which I do see being created and filled). But the .gz log files are nowhere to be found. Any idea where they might be?

This how I configure the logger:

var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
    transports: [
        new (winston.transports.Console)({
            colorize: true,
            timestamp: true,
            prettyPrint: true
        new (winston.transports.File)({
            colorize: false,
            timestamp: true,
            filename: logfile,
            maxsize: 50 * 1024,
            maxFiles: 10,
            prettyPrint: true,
            zippedArchive: true

and this is how I start the service with node-windows

const watsonApp = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "Watson", "app.js") let svc = new Service({ name: 'EGPL Watson Service', description: 'The Watson Web Service', script: watsonApp, env: { name: "NODE_ENV", value: process.env["NODE_ENV"] } });

exports.setup = function () { global.DASH.stats.watsonInstalled = svc.exists };

exports.install = function (cb) { if (svc.exists) return; svc.on('install', () => { global.DASH.stats.watsonInstalled = svc.exists; cb(null) return }) svc.on('error', () => { err = new Error('svc install error') err.description = 'svc install error' + "\n" + err.message cb(err) return }) svc.on('invalidinstallation ', () => { err = new Error('svc invalidinstallation') err.description = 'svc iinvalidinstallation' + "\n" + err.message cb(err) return }) svc.install() }

coreybutler commented 7 years ago

Please see the wiki.

Your log file is most likely in the daemon directory. I suspect your code is using relative paths instead of absolute paths. Use process.cwd() instead of __dirname... specifically when defining the path to your winston logfile attribute.

DrYSG commented 7 years ago

@coreybutler well, as I said, only the data dumping to the console is there. What winston allows is to fork the output and put it both in a file (zipped in this case) and put the output to the console. So yes, I see the console output (but not the log being written to the file) [And my winston is configured to rotate the log files with the 10 most recent files being kept). Which is why I would rather not just get the console output. (besides it has lots of color escape codes).

coreybutler commented 7 years ago

Right - my point was the path to your log file needs to be identified with an absolute path.

const watsonApp = path.join(__dirname, "..", "..", "..", "Watson", "app.js")

probably needs to be

const watsonApp = path.join(process.cwd(), "..", "..", "..", "Watson", "app.js")