coreybutler / node-windows

Windows support for Node.JS scripts (daemons, eventlog, UAC, etc).
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documentation on node-windows #280

Closed mvpsdvlpr closed 3 years ago

mvpsdvlpr commented 3 years ago

Good afternoon everyone, I know that this place may not be the right place to ask these types of questions, but I am looking for information to use this tool, and I tried to find documentation, information, etc ... regarding node -windows, but I have not had any luck .... my question is, where could I find this information for someone who is starting to use this tool, I know that maybe they will tell me the same one that appears in the of the repository ... but even so, I am left with doubts about how to use each of the functions of this tool well, thank you very much for the time and reading this noob

coreybutler commented 3 years ago

What doubts do you have? This tool is pretty simplistic and the README was designed to get you up and running quickly. The wiki has troubleshooting information as well.

mvpsdvlpr commented 3 years ago

Is there a wiki ?, I had not looked at es, I will review it to deepen information ... and regarding my doubts ... I do not understand well the implementation of each of the functionalities, in a basic way, using uninstall or restart, What would be the most optimal ways to use this functionality, since ... for example, if I use uninstall, how can I make it detect directly, in windows, that I want to uninstall it directly from the windows service manager.

Also, I would like to thank you for your time to answer and clarify these doubts, thank you very much!!

coreybutler commented 3 years ago

You cannot install or uninstall directly from the windows service manager (i.e. clicking on the interface). No program can, because the windows service manager only controls existing services (i.e. you can start/stop). node-windows provides a programmatic interface to install/uninstall. When you install with node-windows, your process will show up in the windows service manager. When you uninstall, it goes away.

I hope that helps.

bcorcoranJMP commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to customize the XML file in the daemon directory? Specifically we would like to be able to configure logpath and sizeThreshold variables that winsw uses.

Thank you.

coreybutler commented 3 years ago

There is no way to customize the XML file directly.