coreybutler / postit

A visual survey building tool built on ColdFusion and Ext JS
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Chrome - Can't respond to survey #1

Open penny506 opened 13 years ago

penny506 commented 13 years ago

In Chrome - I can't fill in any text areas or text input boxes, and the slider is a bit funky and doesn't slide - and the options when you do slide show up in the top middle of the page as 1,2 or 3 etc. away from the slider control.

In IE - the slider is not displayed.

Only radio buttons and checkboxes appear to work in both browsers on the form - through the 'demo' survey page.

Enhancement: it would also be nice for usability if clicking on the 'label' of a radio or checkbox that it checks/selects the given input instead of having to click on the radio or checkbox itself (<label html items)


ecorgroup commented 13 years ago

Just to clarify, are these issues experienced on the demo survey or in the survey administration tool (i.e. the Admin section)? If it's in the admin, an upgrade of Ext JS should do the trick. If it's part of the demo survey that's generated from the XML file, it is probably old code in a new browser. It should be updated, but probably won't be for a little while due to time constraints... I'd happily accept a contribution of any new examples.

penny506 commented 13 years ago

It was in the demo survey but seems better now I can type in the text areas - but the slider seems to be intermittent

Attached is my 'label' clicking for radio's and checkboxes etc - that you may merge (take.cfm) with your code - this feels better now. (I used a unique ID value for the fields)

I'll try upgrading ext js -

ie gives me this error now on new installation of postit from riaforge:


Kevin Penny

Just to clarify, are these issues experienced on the demo survey or in the survey administration tool (i.e. the Admin section)? If it's in the admin, an upgrade of Ext JS should do the trick. If it's part of the demo survey that's generated from the XML file, it is probably old code in a new browser. It should be updated, but probably won't be for a little while due to time constraints... I'd happily accept a contribution of any new examples.

-- Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

Kevin Penny CodeFusion, LLC

``` //Use the survey path as a cache key key = replace(replace(replace(url.survey,"\","/","ALL"),"/","","ALL"),":","","ALL"); //Look for the complete form in the cache. html = cacheGet("html_"&key); if (not isdefined("html") or StructKeyExists(url,"restart")) { if (StructKeyExists(url,"restart")) cacheRemove(key); //Look in cache for survey object. s = cacheGet(key); //If survey object isn't cached, create & cache it. if (not isdefined("s") or StructKeyExists(url,"restart")) { s = new Survey(url.survey); cachePut(key,s); } //Some helper variables to simplify output q = s.getQuestions(); n = 0; hidden = 0; survey = s; } <cfoutput>#survey.getTitle()#</cfoutput>



#(n-hidden)#. #q[n].text#*


html = htmlpage; cachePut("html_"&key,html);
penny506 commented 13 years ago

attached is also a sql server scripted version of the db and installer change



  • Create a MSSQL or PostgreSQL DB or MySQL & add a CF data source name for it.
  •     <dd>CF DSN: <input type="text" name="dsn" size="30"/></dd>
        <dd><input type="radio" value="mssql" checked="true" name="dbtype"/>MSSQL <input type="radio" value="pgsql" checked="false" name="dbtype"/>PostgreSQL <input type="radio" value="mysql" checked="false" name="dbtype"/>MySQL</dd>


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[result]([form] [varchar]%28200%29 NOT NULL, [questionid] [varchar]%2850%29 NOT NULL, [answer] [varchar]%28255%29 NOT NULL, [location] [varchar]%2845%29 NOT NULL, [date] [date] NOT NULL, [taker] [varchar]%2845%29 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_result2] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED %28 [form] ASC, [questionid] ASC, [answer] ASC, [location] ASC, [date] ASC, [taker] ASC %29WITH %28PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON%29 ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] On 4/17/2011 3:32 PM, ecorgroup wrote:

    Just to clarify, are these issues experienced on the demo survey or in the survey administration tool (i.e. the Admin section)? If it's in the admin, an upgrade of Ext JS should do the trick. If it's part of the demo survey that's generated from the XML file, it is probably old code in a new browser. It should be updated, but probably won't be for a little while due to time constraints... I'd happily accept a contribution of any new examples.

    Kevin Penny CodeFusion, LLC

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[result]([form] [varchar]%28200%29 NOT NULL, [questionid] [varchar]%2850%29 NOT NULL, [answer] [varchar]%28255%29 NOT NULL, [location] [varchar]%2845%29 NOT NULL, [date] [date] NOT NULL, [taker] [varchar]%2845%29 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_result2] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED %28 [form] ASC, [questionid] ASC, [answer] ASC, [location] ASC, [date] ASC, [taker] ASC %29WITH %28PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON%29 ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]

    str = replace(out,"{@DSN}",trim(form.dsn)); str = replace(str,"{@SMTPSERVER}",trim(form.smtpserver)); str = replace(str,"{@SMTPUSER}",trim(form.smtpusername)); str = replace(str,"{@SMTPPWD}",trim(form.smtppwd)); str = replace(out,"{@EML}",trim(form.eml),'ALL'); pth = replace(replace(CGI.PATH_INFO,listlast(CGI.PATH_INFO,"/"),''),"/install","","ALL"); str = replace(out,"{@URL}",CGI.SERVER_NAME&"/"&pth,'ONE'); str = replace(str,'//','/','ALL'); str = replace(str,'http:/','http://','ALL'); str = replace(str,"{@EML}",trim(form.eml),'ALL'); select count(*) as ct from pg_class where relname = 'result' DROP TABLE result; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `result`; ``` #sql# for (i=1; i lte out.recordcount; i++) FileDelete([i]&[i]); out = QueryNew("out"); x = CacheGetAllIds(); for (i=1; i lte arraylen(x); i++) cacheRemove(trim(x[i])); ```


    1. If you want to use the Google map features, make sure your server has an API key configured.

    2. Create a MSSQL or PostgreSQL DB or MySQL & add a CF data source name for it.
    3. CF DSN:
      MSSQL PostgreSQL MySQL

    4. This tool demonstrates the use of application-specific SMTP servers for sending survey results.
    5. SMTP Server:
      SMTP Username:
      SMTP Password:

    6. When a survey is taken, the results can be emailed to you. Please provide your email address if you'd like to use this option.
    7. Your Email Address:

    8. This tool makes use of Server.cfc & OnServerStart() to set variables in the server scope (Server.cfc is found in the application root).
    9. I do not want to use this. I want the system to configure server variables using an alternative method.

    This tool will create the database (<root>/install/mysql.sql), generate a demo survey (<root>/data/general.demo.xml), and setup the configuration file (<root>/config.ini). If you need to restart for any reason, simply append "?restart" to any url.