Build a command-line tool that converts Markdown files into HTML format.
The goal is to create a user-friendly CLI application that takes a Markdown file as input and outputs the corresponding HTML file.
Markdown Parsing: Converts Markdown syntax (headers, lists, links, images, etc.) into HTML elements.
File Input/Output: Users can specify input Markdown files and output HTML files via command-line arguments.
Customization Options: Allows users to customize the HTML output, such as including a header or footer.
Error Handling: Provides clear error messages for invalid Markdown input or file-related issues.
Extra Feature (Optional)
Live Preview: Implement a feature that serves the converted HTML in a local web server for a live preview, allowing users to see their changes in real-time.
Build a command-line tool that converts Markdown files into HTML format.
The goal is to create a user-friendly CLI application that takes a Markdown file as input and outputs the corresponding HTML file.
Extra Feature (Optional)
Useful Rust Crates