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Add Elementor Sections + Code to Hooks #14

Open coreypotter opened 7 years ago

coreypotter commented 7 years ago

Want the ability to insert Elementor templates instead of only pages. Currently there is a dropdown populated by pages, but I want this to be populated by the Elementor layout CPT.

Alternatively, this could be a textbox that accepts a shortcode for the elementor template

coreypotter commented 7 years ago

What if we approached this like Generate Press and added a "hooks" section to the premium extension, where you could just put code into a box and it would get added to the appropriate section. If we make these sections accept shortcodes (which should be pretty easy), it would be very easy to add Elementor layouts to these sections.


delster commented 7 years ago

Please don't say "should be easy", that's a universal developer trigger.

..but yeah, this could be done pretty simply. I was thinking the same thing, maybe with a cleaner UI somehow. That page is incredibly long and not comprehensive. Need a way (tabbed groups of accordions or something?) to organize a LOT of hooks.. and obviously put the big ones up front.

coreypotter commented 6 years ago


coreypotter commented 6 years ago

Looks like Ocean has added the option to choose elementor templates - see this video as an example of how it works: