coreytcallaghan / cs_sampling_effort

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path analysis? #7

Closed bowlerbear closed 3 years ago

bowlerbear commented 3 years ago

Corey and I discussed whether a path-analysis style analysis might help model/visualize the links between land-use, species richness, number of checklists and sampling coverage. I had a quick and dirty go at this using data for 2019/20 (and just for q=0).

(note: I didnt orginally include urbancoverfraction in the model for number of checklists but the psem suggested strong support for this link, so I added it post-hoc).

psem1 = psem(
  lm(sampling_coverage ~log(number_checklists), data=output0),
  lm(log(number_checklists) ~ qD + urbancoverfraction, data=output0),
  lm(qD ~ heterogeneity + urbancoverfraction + waterpermanentcoverfraction +

summary(psem1, .progressBar = FALSE)


But number of checklists here is just the observed number of checklists. Not the number of checklists needed to sample to a certain level.

sablowes commented 3 years ago

Agreed that something along these lines could be useful for conceptual illustration, but this is a bit hard to parse and provide constructive feedback on without more context, sorry.

Two cents spent ;)

bowlerbear commented 3 years ago

yeah, you're right. I think I have morphed Corey's original question into my own question about predictors of sampling effort :) Its interesting to me that most of the effects of land-use on sampling effort can be explained indirectly, by diversity, except urban cover.

Anyhow, we have gone down multiple analysis avenues and still seem to be a but stuck. Its mostly about whether we just throw all the variables shown in the path diagram together in one big model. Or separate them in some logical way like above - for ease of understanding. There is also some question about direction of arrows too.

Its probably best if we get all our results together and show you them to help us decide which method. And stop us procrastinating any more.