corgi-emacs / corgi

Unbundled Emacs configuration aimed at Clojure developers
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Corkey how do I define only insert mode commands? #11

Closed oxalorg closed 2 years ago

oxalorg commented 3 years ago

I want to replicate this behaviour in corkey

(evil-define-key 'insert 'global
  (kbd "9") "("
  (kbd "0") ")"
  (kbd "(") "9"
  (kbd ")") "0")

I have tried the following:

(normal|visual ...)
 ("0" "Open bracket" ")"))


(normal|visual ...
   ("0" "remap" ")")))

But both didn't work.


;; = 'normal' | 'insert' | 'visual' | 'emacs' | 'motion'

state should have an empty value for the topmost form, so that others can be nested inside it


  (normal|visual ...)
   ("0" "remap" ")"))))
oxalorg commented 2 years ago

Looks like this commit should fix it: