cormullion / graphics

A place where miscellaneous Julia-related graphics are stored. If you're looking for the official Julia logos and related graphics, visit
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
25 stars 4 forks source link

ai #27

Open cormullion opened 7 months ago

cormullion commented 7 months ago


Some ideas to start the bike-shedding:

idea1 idea2 idea3
xlxs4 commented 7 months ago

I like the first one the most!

cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Oh man, cool! Thanks for starting the issue.

I think the vibe of the org is about making it easy and fluid to work with language, text, and other forms of media. I'd love there to be some kinda expression of "flow" of different forms of content, not sure what that would look like yet.

I think of these I tilt towards the graph looking thing, though it may be too graph-y for the org.

cormullion commented 7 months ago

"fluid" suggests a few curves perhaps?

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 16 55 16

(As a bonus, if you squint it spells "AI" :) )

cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

lmao good bonus -- I wonder if there's something we can do where we have some kind of text on the left or bottom that "explodes" into the Julia colors on the right?

svilupp commented 7 months ago

First of all, thank you for helping us!

I like the first robot as it's obviously some "AI", but I also think that nice logos tend to capture the concepts.

I like the idea behind the swirls in the last, but I would struggle to recognize anything generative/AI in it.

I wonder if there is some way to combine the various concepts. For me generative AI is about:

Not sure if this helps with some ideas? Not all of the above can be combined together, but I figured it could give ideas?

cormullion commented 7 months ago

Good stuff!

I would struggle to recognize anything generative/AI in it

Indeed, many logos rarely illustrate or feature examples of the products/companies they represent. Instead, they're intended to be used frequently and consistently to set up vague subconscious links in the viewer's brains. As you say - somehow "capturing" the idea, rather than showing it.

Must haves: a pleasingly-simple shape, possibly a couple of nice colors, possibly linked with a brand name, and repeated and echoed everywhere; you're much less likely to be showing any details. Here are a few examples to illustrate how rarely they show/contain concepts. If you don't recognise them, can you say what the company/product does?

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 18 57 29

I'll try to come up with more ideas soon!

svilupp commented 7 months ago

That's a good reminder - I wasn't aware. It's also funny how so many of these logos look the same.

Maybe it's their influence, but could we maybe incorporate:

Or orthogonal to it, how about something like a mechanical brain with Julia dots inside it? (similar to the robot, but evokes more the cognitive element of it, not the robotics) Not the same, but I like this blend of brain-like mechanical component (AWS): braing-nut

cormullion commented 7 months ago

Incorporating some of these is possible - it would be nice to simplify it though... :)

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 10 53 57 Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 11 33 06
cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Oh hell yeah I love these as a start. I tend to prefer logos that have a higher center mass, i.e. where the lines/circuits are larger/wider towards the center. But I really love this "flow" idea where we go from digital to smooth colorful lines.

cormullion commented 7 months ago

There's hints of tree growing and color mixing too... I'll think about making the lines thicker nearer the center (do circuit boards do this? :) )

cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Circuit boards might not but this is ART and we can do whatever we want

svilupp commented 7 months ago

I really like it as well - the transition from circuits to colors. The bolder / simpler logo is definitely better, because it feels simpler (less complicated)

cormullion commented 7 months ago

Cool, I'll do a few more like this. Also, if you have some suitable text blurb, I can make some sketches for a social media preview as well.

svilupp commented 7 months ago

That’s awesome!

Btw I showed it to my wife and she immediately honed in on:

On the second point, would it make sense to:

What do you think? I’m not sure it can be done cleanly 🤔

cormullion commented 7 months ago

it doesn’t say or evoke GenAI in any way

Haha, true! I don’t think I’m creative enough to make a simple and effective logo that clearly says “Generative AI” without using words… 😂 Perhaps others can come up with ideas…

svilupp commented 7 months ago

Haha, true! I don’t think I’m creative enough to make a simple and effective logo that clearly says “Generative AI” without using words… 😂 Perhaps others can come up with ideas…

Sorry, didn't mean to sound too critical! It's awesome what you've done so far - It was a mere suggestion for possible directions.

Tbh, I have nothing against having JuliaGenAI at the bottom "being generated" - I think it would work well

cormullion commented 7 months ago

No worries! I’ll do a few text-based ones to see how they look at 256x256 sizes. Text is “JuliaGenAI”?

svilupp commented 7 months ago

That is the name of the organization. It could be just GenAI for simplicity if it looks better? But the org is called JuliaGenAI.

cormullion commented 7 months ago

A couple of different ways to incorporate the name and the other things as well...

Screenshot 2024-02-03 at 12 03 33
cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

I think the black background tends to draw a lot of my eye and might make the logo seem a little dark -- I love the standard white Julia logos.

I actually really love the one on the right -- that's such a brilliant idea to connect each letter (token) to a dot. Really really cool

svilupp commented 7 months ago

I agree - I really like the right-hand side one!

Would it be possible to actually change the letters to be the endpoints of those lines (with the same colours)? Making it seem like they are being generated/filled with the Julia colours.

I think it would need a different background as Cameron suggested and maybe we could enlarge the font if there were no dots above the letters? I'm not sure whether it's possible / too much effort, but it might make it more readable.

It's really looking great!

cormullion commented 7 months ago

Any preference for color?

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 10 04 56
svilupp commented 7 months ago

This is great! Thank you for bearing with us!

I really like the first red one, because it’s the closest to the colors in the picture already.

I wonder if we could perhaps try one with a white background as per Cameron’s comment earlier? I think the background fill distracts me / takes some attention away. Would it be possible invert it (white or transparent background with black circuits or simply black outlines whichever is easier?)

cormullion commented 7 months ago

No problem...

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 16 20 59
svilupp commented 7 months ago

It’s awesome! I love it ❤️

cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Yeah I actually really love the one with the white background. Any other comments on it?

svilupp commented 7 months ago

Not from my end and haven’t seen any on Slack either! The biggest question on my mind is how to make it into a sticker 🤣

What usually happens now? Would it make sense to produce a few sizes for different use cases?

cormullion commented 7 months ago

An SVG is rendered accurately at any size, or you could export a PNG version at different specific sizes.

Here's an SVG (1000x1000):

and code to export an SVG image to PNG in various sizes:

using Luxor

logo = readsvg("/tmp/ailogo.svg") 

for n in [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024]
    Drawing(n, n, "/tmp/logo-$(n).png")
    placeimage(logo, centered=true)

But we're struggling at 64 pixels though:



svilupp commented 7 months ago

Thank you so much for your help!!!

cormullion commented 7 months ago

I’m very happy you asked - increasingly people are using AI-generated graphics 😀

svilupp commented 7 months ago

Preposterous! 😅

Maybe we should teach ChatGPT how to use Luxor? 🥸

cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Yeah I will say the small version of the logo is very difficult to read, it's not particularly easy to identify. Is there anything that would simplify a little? Maybe there's like some kind of weaving or twisting of the colored lines in the middle that we could make take up more real estate.

(also still thanks so much for helping!)

cormullion commented 7 months ago

Haha, yes, the original ideas were simpler but then things got added... 😀 Also, the lack of contrast (after going for the all-white background) reduces the readability too...

If we drop some of the complexity, and the lettering, and add some contrast, we could something like this:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 16 41 29

which is similar in spirit perhaps, but of course lacks the interesting detail which you liked...

Reduces to:

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 16 49 16
cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Oooooh I really like the bottom one. It has a clean and modern look, the black background is really delightful. It's also got enough of the original detail I'd say!

svilupp commented 7 months ago

Agreed! I like the bottom one as well.

Would it be possible to have an "extended" version for stickers that would have the JuliaGenAI somewhere in addition to this logo?

cormullion commented 7 months ago

Would it be possible to have an "extended" version for stickers that would have the JuliaGenAI somewhere in addition to this logo?

Everything is possible... :)

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 09 48 16
svilupp commented 7 months ago

Thank you!

At the risk of being too greedy, would it be possible to try one where the text JuliaGenAI is much bigger to be readable? I'm not sure how it works visually, but most stickers I have tend to have white margins and use black text on a white background for easy readability. The colorful text on all sides is cool, but it's somehow more distracting/hard to read.

For stickers, I always liked these


or the JuliaStats sticker, which combines their logo and the text in a square sticker (even though the logo itself has no text)


(I can't find the sticker itself but it was the logo + text in a square)

cormullion commented 7 months ago

I think the printers who print the stickers make the wavy outline shapes - but the insides could look something like this:

Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 14 45 12 Screenshot 2024-02-06 at 14 50 35
svilupp commented 7 months ago

This is awesome! Thank you🙏

cpfiffer commented 7 months ago

Oh hell yeah the stickers are bad ass

svilupp commented 7 months ago

Hi @cormullion, I realized we never officially concluded this thread!

I think the last iteration (the black one) and the stickers are really great! Could you please share the SVG, please?

Separately, what's the best way to credit you on our website/repo? Is there a standardized text you use or do we just point people to this Github repo? What would be your preference?

cormullion commented 7 months ago

OK! We can start with these, for now at least... :)

Don't worry about credit - I think this was a group collaboration! Besides, anyone who's interested will enjoy the serendipity of discovering this issue for themselves! 🤣

svilupp commented 7 months ago

Thank you! I've added credit note to the footer of the webpage and in the folder where we store logos!