cormullion / graphics

A place where miscellaneous Julia-related graphics are stored. If you're looking for the official Julia logos and related graphics, visit
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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JuliaCon Requests #29

Open rayegun opened 2 months ago

rayegun commented 2 months ago

Hi Cormullion :)

Could I get a few requests put together?

Finally, if you've got any creative designs not on this repo you want me to add to our stickers / storefront let me know :)

Hope to see you in Eindhoven!

cormullion commented 2 months ago

Hi Raye. Happy to help if I can!

Yes, I opened an issue about the t-shirt with logos idea here, after I read about it first. I think I was concerned about the size and colors - but 10 white logos might fit on at a reasonable size I suppose.

After meeting Kevin last year I made a Mondrian/Dutch-y design with Julia/Eindhoven 'vibes' to make a bright colorful theme -

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 10 41 33

I could continue using it if you like. Or something else if you'd prefer.

rayegun commented 1 month ago

I like this logo a lot. @ranjanan agreed? The most pressing of the items would be the poster and square (1:1) templates for speakers to advertise themselves on. Probably something like room for a headshot / picture from their talk and an abstract.

Could we get one or several of those as soon as you can @cormullion?

I'll probably put in t-shirt orders around June 5, so we have a bit of time there :).

ranjanan commented 1 month ago

This is awesome! Thanks @cormullion. Let's use this for speakers to advertise themselves on.

cormullion commented 1 month ago

Could probably squeeze another photo in. But not a lot of room for sponsor logos:

Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 16 51 24
rayegun commented 1 month ago

These look fantastic. Could we get each one blank? And maybe one with 1 photos and 1 with 0 photos for those that don't want them?

cormullion commented 1 month ago

Sure, no problem - probably Saturday, am away till then.

cormullion commented 1 month ago


rayegun commented 1 month ago

Thanks a bunch! Alright next order of business is the t-shirt. We definitely want the Mondrian-esque logo (or another design of course that you think might be better on a t-shirt) as the main element of the t-shirt back. I think the logos can be a fair bit smaller than that (but I'm not 100% sure there). Do you have any thoughts on that?

Also, you wouldn't happen to have the YouTube thumbnail backgrounds for the past years available would you? I can't seem to find them all on this repo :). I need to edit some old thumbnails.

cormullion commented 1 month ago

thumbnail backgrounds

They're all over the place, naming-wise, so I gathered them together here: backgrounds-2020-2023/2021.

cormullion commented 1 month ago

As for the shirt...

I redrew the logos in SVG (down to and including Supporting Partners, replacing dark text with white, and keeping the colours. (Betterhand Financial have a newer logo I found.)


Does it - will it - work? I don't know. On my high-res screen it looks OK, but what's the resolution of a t-shirt? And the graphics are getting quite low on the back too. There are many colours, but some of them used very sparingly.

rayegun commented 1 month ago

@cormullion we aren't likely to do too many logos if any right now. We removed it from our sponsorship perks, but we may add it back for very high sponsorships (gold+)

Do you think this design would look good?

  1. Put the JuliaCon Eindhoven 2024 logos you currently have on the back centered in the front
  2. Enlarge the Mondrian design
  3. Leave room for maybe 4 logos
rayegun commented 1 month ago

Is it weird to have a centered large object on the front @ranjanan @vchuravy? The JuliaCon logo + Eindhoven 2024 beneath it. As opposed to the previous year with just JuliaCon on the left pec.

cormullion commented 1 month ago

centered large object in the front

There’s a slight push back against that -

cormullion commented 3 weeks ago

@rayegun Still on track? 🤔

(Don’t use any of these designs ) ! 😀

rayegun commented 2 weeks ago

There’s a slight push back against that -

Oh good to know! Let's move forward with the traditional front, and just the conference logo on the back. Currently no sponsors require being on the t-shirt.

Could we get a final t-shirt as well as a last ditch advertising poster? Suitable to print (letter paper size). Maybe one with room for text that I can add based on the recipient.

Finally I'd like to get to work on the horizontal and vertical banners here soon, if you have a chance.

I appreciate it as always :)

cormullion commented 2 weeks ago


For a shirt, I was thinking something like this:


Or something a bit more off-beat:

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 16 31 37

For a poster, perhaps something like this: flyer-landscape

portrait: flyer-portrait

or, using less ink:


Here's a letter-format flier with some space: flyer-portrait-empty

A horizontal banner:


You'll have to tell me more about a vertical banner (because you did them last time... ;)

Tell me about which logos you'd like to promote...


rayegun commented 4 days ago

Let's go with the first design (the Mondrian version) for the t-shirt. Can I get the transparency version ASAP?

cormullion commented 4 days ago

@rayegun Sure:

juliacon2024/shirt-art.png (

juliacon2024/shirt-art.svg (