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Julia Gender Inclusive Logo Request #30

Open rayegun opened 2 months ago

rayegun commented 2 months ago

Hi @cormullion :). @skygering and the Julia Gender Inclusive organizing team are looking for two logos. One "JuliaInclusive" and one "JuliaGenderInclusive" logo.

I believe they are thinking of stylized text with an umbrella over the top for both, but Skylar can give more information, and I'm sure there will be lots of back and forth!

I hope I haven't kept you too busy with JuliaCon stuff ❤️, and hope to see you at the conference :)


skygering commented 2 months ago

Hi @cormullion! It is great to meet you! If you have enough time, I would love to discuss this. I realize this is rather close to the conference, so we completely understand if this has to wait until afterward.

As Raye said, we would love to have a logo for the many diversity efforts in the community, both within Julia Gender Inclusive, and outside of it. For example, this year the JuliaCon Diversity Committee, which I co-chair, is having a nighttime "Diversity Dinner and Discussion" event at the conference and Julia Gender Inclusive is running a BoF.

For the more general sticker, we thought about something like "Julia is Inclusive" with an umbrella graphic. As for Julia Gender Inclusive, we do either want the name or the acronym (JGI) on the logo. We would be happy with another umbrella graphic, perhaps. We want to stay away from something over-feminized (i.e. pink, or women symbols) as the community is open to more than just women and we want the logo to portray our inclusivity. We would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks! Skylar

cormullion commented 2 months ago

Hi Skylar! Happy to help - but time's running out ... :)

Here's a few ideas. Not sure whether including text inside works - it's kind of small, but if it's larger the text might be more readable. Probably better to have a simpler icon and have text alongside it?

Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 09 41 15
kimauth commented 2 months ago

Hi @cormullion! Thank you so much for the fast suggestions, we love the umbrella designs! After a bit of discussion at Julia Gender Inclusive, we’re wondering if it would be possible to see what the umbrella logo looks like with a few (small) variations:

Thank you! Kim

cormullion commented 2 months ago

Hi! Here's some modifications:

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 11 48 02

My thought is that it's starting to lose simplicity. It would look better on posters/vans, etc., but for smaller contexts like icons it might look a bit cluttered - losing the text would help.

In any case, you'll have to spell out what the letters "JGI" mean anyway - since I don't think many people would guess, especially when it appears in new visuals. So you would be better off having both a logo and a wordmark.

Plenty of possibilities:

Screenshot 2024-07-03 at 15 05 15
kimauth commented 2 months ago

Thanks for being so fast on the updates again!

We came to the same conclusion about the acronym. There is a slight preference for the tilted umbrella (bottom right out of the 4 above), so we'd like to go with that one. The new stem is super nice!

We definitely like the word mark as in your latest suggestions, we're currently figuring out which one fits best. 😊

kimauth commented 2 months ago

The agreement is that the last one (with the Julia logo in it) is the preferred wordmark, but we would like the tilted umbrella in it!

Could we get a high resolution or vector graphics version of

Thanks again for putting in the effort and for being so fast, the logo looks awesome! 😍💜

Best regards Kim (on behalf of Julia Gender Inclusive)

cormullion commented 2 months ago

No problem!

Three SVGs - logo, logo+wordmark for light backgrounds, and logo_wordmark for dark backgrounds.

SVGs are easy to resize or convert to PNG.

If you want the Julia source file that generates the logo, let me know!

Font is LilyScriptOne (open source by Julia Petretta - I didn't know the designer's name until I'd selected that font... :))

kimauth commented 2 months ago

Awesome, thank you so much! I'm very excited that we have this on time for JuliaCon!

We'd love the source file. (And the name of the designer is a funny easter egg. 😄 )

cormullion commented 2 months ago

Cool. Here's the gist.

If you need anything else, feel free to ask! Hope it goes well.

skygering commented 1 month ago

@cormullion, we love it!!! thank you!!!


cormullion commented 1 month ago

Wow you got the stickers printed in time - awesome!

I love to see all this colour too. Thanks!