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Update REPL T-shirt #31

Open mkitti opened 3 days ago

mkitti commented 3 days ago

The REPL T-shirt is popular.

My suggestion is that this version should acknowledge the actual JuliaCon.jl package by @carstenbauer somehow...

julia> using JuliaCon

julia> JuliaCon.juliacon2024()
Welcome to JuliaCon 2024! Find more information on

julia> JuliaCon.talksby("Carsten Bauer")

Tuesday 9 July 2024, 13:30 in TU-Eindhoven 0.244
    Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs (Workshop)
    ├─ Ludovic Räss, Carsten Bauer, Ivan Utkin et al.
    └─ Accelerated & large-scale computing

(Shown times are in the following time zone: CET)
cormullion commented 3 days ago

Nice idea - although possibly too much text. I’ll mock something up when back at the computer.

rayegun commented 3 days ago

I've put this on a t-shirt on the spreadsheet stores already @mkitti, but I like this text better. I can put the updated design you come Cormullion when it's ready. I plan to announce and publish the stores on Wednesday morning opening.

carstenbauer commented 2 days ago

Haha, would probably be a bit weird for me to see people with T-Shirts that has my name on it 😉 But I like the idea of promoting JuliaCon.jl a little bit.

carstenbauer commented 2 days ago

Alternative to using my name:

julia> JuliaCon.talksby("Jeff Bezanson")

Thursday 11 July 2024, 16:00 in REPL (2, main stage)
    New Ways to Compile Julia (Talk)
    ├─ Jeff Bezanson, Gabriel Baraldi
    └─ Julia Internals and Tooling

(Shown times are in the following time zone: MET)
rayegun commented 2 days ago

We can also do State of Julia? That might be better and we can just erase people's names

rayegun commented 2 days ago

Wednesday 10 July 2024, 9:00 in REPL (2, main stage)
    State of Julia 2024 (Keynote)
    └─ General
carstenbauer commented 2 days ago

That's also nice. However, if we do with names dropped it should be


REPL (2, main stage)
        State of Julia 2024 (Keynote)
        └─ General

That's what the package gives:

julia>; now=ZonedDateTime(Dates.DateTime("2024-07-10T09:00:00.000"), tz"UTC+2"))

REPL (2, main stage)
        State of Julia 2024 (Keynote)
        ├─ Kristoffer Carlsson, Lilith Hafner, Elliot Saba
        └─ General
cormullion commented 2 days ago

v1.10 or 1.11 ? 🤔😂

carstenbauer commented 2 days ago

I'd say 1.10 because that's the stable release during JuliaCon (unless 1.11 gets released next week, which I doubt).

mkitti commented 2 days ago

We could do 1.11.0-rc1

   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.11.0-rc1 (2024-06-25)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |
rayegun commented 2 days ago

1.10 will also be the LTS, announced at State of Julia

rayegun commented 2 days ago

I would say use what you put Carsten but drop the names and the now= :)

cormullion commented 2 days ago


Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 18 23 29