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XML meta programming
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Add commithash of the kxml_compiler to the generated file's comment section #27

Open martonmiklos opened 4 years ago

martonmiklos commented 4 years ago

Sometimes it would be great to know from a generated parser/generator, that which version of the kxml_compiler generated it, so it would be useful to generate this to the heading comments.

On bash based envs we could borrow the from the flashrom for this purpose:

On Windows we would need to came up with a batchfile.

winterheart commented 4 years ago

Hi. This can be achieved with Git module and add_custom_command in CMake. In QMake it would be

GIT_VERSION = $$system(git --git-dir $$PWD/.git --work-tree $$PWD describe --always --tags)

but I prefer dynamic file version.h generation.