corneliusmunz / legoino

Arduino Library for controlling Powered UP and Boost controllers
MIT License
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HUB emulation PORT A #50

Open smotek opened 3 years ago

smotek commented 3 years ago

Hi, legoino is a perfect project, thank you. I have a problem with HUB emulation. HW I use NodeMcu WROOM-32 I monitor the data on a serial monitor. Everything is OK for PORT B. For HUB LED it is OK. But I don't get any data for PORT A. Who could be the problem? Will emulation also be available for TechnicHUB? Thank you

corneliusmunz commented 3 years ago

Hi @smotek ! First the emulation should work for the TechnicHUB and the TrainHUB but right now only for the train motors. I am developing a new version where more motors and also sensors are supported. Regarding your problem of port A. Maybe you have to increase some delays a littlebit. I sometimes see that the command/response messages was not exchanged correclty and the app then does not recognize the "attached" device on port A. If so, no message will be send out of the app even if you have a block which addresses port A

smotek commented 3 years ago

Hi corneliusmunz thanks for the info. I probably found it in the code Type Hub I should use CONTROL_PLUS_HUB and add rows to the loop for C and D.

To fix PORT A, I should try to change the times in the loop port detection? (1000 ms) Thank you

corneliusmunz commented 3 years ago

Hi @smotek yes... you should initialize the object like the following

// create a hub instance
Lpf2HubEmulation myEmulatedHub("TrainHub", HubType::CONTROL_PLUS_HUB);

And for the Port A, just try to change the delays in the following section (decrease it and increase it):

    myEmulatedHub.isPortInitialized = true;
    myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)PoweredUpHubPort::A, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR);
    myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)PoweredUpHubPort::LED, DeviceType::HUB_LED);
    myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)PoweredUpHubPort::B, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR);
smotek commented 3 years ago

If I use Lpf2HubEmulation myEmulatedHub ("TrainHub", HubType :: CONTROL_PLUS_HUB); reports error for rows myEmulatedHub.attachDevice ((byte) PoweredUpHubPort :: C, DeviceType :: TRAIN_MOTOR); delay (1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice ((byte) PoweredUpHubPort :: D, DeviceType :: TRAIN_MOTOR); delay (1000);

error: 'C' is not a member of 'PoweredUpHubPort'

delay for A test

smotek commented 3 years ago

PORT A solved

myEmulatedHub.isPortInitialized = true; delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)PoweredUpHubPort::A, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR);

added line delay You can fix the example file

corneliusmunz commented 3 years ago

If you want to use the CONTROL_PLUS_HUB you have also to use the Port definitions in the enum ControlPlusHubPort So the line of the attachDevice should look as follows:

myEmulatedHub.attachDevice ((byte) ControlPlusHubPort :: D, DeviceType :: TRAIN_MOTOR);
corneliusmunz commented 3 years ago

@smotek Regarding the delays: In the current version the delays are already adjusted. Which version of the library do you use?

smotek commented 3 years ago

Downloaded library 9 days ago. The problem is not in the library, but in the HubEmulation example. image

function image

After editing to ControlPlusHubPort, ports A - D work

Another question, what it means in a line pf.single_pwm(PowerFunctionsPort::RED, pf.speedToPwm(value));

PowerFunctionsPort::RED ?

corneliusmunz commented 3 years ago

The PowerFunctionsPort::RED is addressing the "RED" IR channel on the power functions IR receiver. There is a RED and a BLUE channel on the receiver available. The example receives signals from the PoweredUp App and forwards it per IR LED and the PowerFunctions methods to the IR receiver.

smotek commented 3 years ago

Now I understand I forgot that the example sends an IR to an old cube.

Chris-Rodrigues commented 3 years ago

Hello! Congratulations to all persons who are working on this project. Very nice. Smotek helped me in other forum with this code so I found this forum now. Thanks Smotek.

I succefully ran Lpf2HubEmulation and now I'm trying to emulate two or more hubs in just one ESP32. I still have a lot of free pins from ESP32 and using one app I want to emulate more hubs to control more things at same screen.

On app, first appears HUB1. After some time, name changes to HUB2 but I can't have both at same time

I don't know if am I doing or saying a dumb thing, but here it is:

Lpf2HubEmulation myEmulatedHub("HUB1", HubType::CONTROL_PLUS_HUB); Lpf2HubEmulation myEmulatedHub2("HUB2", HubType::CONTROL_PLUS_HUB);

void writeValueCallback(byte port, byte value) { ... } void writeValueCallback2(byte port, byte value) { ... }

void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); myEmulatedHub.setWritePortCallback(&writeValueCallback); myEmulatedHub.start();

myEmulatedHub2.setWritePortCallback(&writeValueCallback2); myEmulatedHub2.start();

... }

void loop() {

if (myEmulatedHub.isConnected && !myEmulatedHub.isPortInitialized) { delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.isPortInitialized = true; delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::A, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::B, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::C, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::D, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::LED, DeviceType::HUB_LED); delay(1000); }

if (myEmulatedHub2.isConnected && !myEmulatedHub2.isPortInitialized) { delay(1000); myEmulatedHub2.isPortInitialized = true; delay(1000); myEmulatedHub2.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::A, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub2.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::B, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub2.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::C, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub2.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::D, DeviceType::TRAIN_MOTOR); delay(1000); myEmulatedHub2.attachDevice((byte)ControlPlusHubPort::LED, DeviceType::HUB_LED); delay(1000); } }

paki111 commented 2 years ago

@Chris-Rodrigues interesting idea, but this may be not posible on one MAC address. I think the solution for having more ports (6 vs 4) is to implement support for Spike Prime Hub. What do you think @corneliusmunz ? BTW @corneliusmunz thank you for great library!

corneliusmunz commented 2 years ago

@Chris-Rodrigues I have never tried this and I am not sure if the NimBle library does support multiple connections. If you use the library to connect to other hubs it ist possible to have up to 9 connections at the same time. But I have never tried it the other way round. Maybe I will find some time in the next days to try it out

Chris-Rodrigues commented 2 years ago

Thank you @corneliusmunz and @paki111 If this were possible it would open a wide of new possibilities. Lego hubs are very large and expensive. Imagine creating a joystick profile on your cell phone using Lego Powered up App (or sbrick/Buwizz/ControlZ or any other profile creator). Then you would connect HUB A, HUB B, HUB C, and you assign 4, 8, 12, 16 different functions on your profile and ESP32 Specially for someone who is using low power devices, like leds, rc servos, low power motors, etc

Chris-Rodrigues commented 2 years ago

Hello @corneliusmunz Do you have any news if it is possible? Thanks

corneliusmunz commented 2 years ago

@Chris-Rodrigues unfortunately I have not found a time slot to test it 😢 It is on my task list