corneliusmunz / legoino

Arduino Library for controlling Powered UP and Boost controllers
MIT License
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Best approach to test if connection is still active? #57

Closed fredlcore closed 3 years ago

fredlcore commented 3 years ago

I would like to detect whether and established connection is still active or whether the device (here: Duplo train) has been turned off. So far, if I turn off the device, myHub.isConnected() continues to evaluate as true.

Is there some kind of variable or characteristic I can read that is continuously updated and from which I can detect whether the connection is still active? Or can I send a command to the device that will generate a response?

And once I have figured out that the device has been turned off, what actions do I need to take to get my code back into listening mode? Do I have to do a myhub.init() again? Or can I somehow "close" the connection and then myHub will be in scanning mode again?


fredlcore commented 3 years ago

Hm, after a bit more testing, it seems that isConnected() seems to be switching relatively quick to falseonce I have turned of the connected device, so that should do what I want/need. Nevertheless, if there are any other things to make this process more reliable, I'm happy to hear!

corneliusmunz commented 3 years ago

Hi @fredlcore ! Thats so far exact the procedure i used.

  1. check if myHub.isConnected() == false
  2. call myHub.init()

I have used this in the TwoTrainHubs.ino example sketch in the main loop:

Btw, if you like the library i would be happy if you give me a :star: 😉

Best regards, Cornelius

fredlcore commented 3 years ago

Starred it is :)!