List of Wires read-only in a concurrent block don't translate properly (generated as regs instead of wires and assigned to signals improperly):
class ListOfWires( Model ):
def __init__( s ):
s.in_ = [ InPort ( 4 ) for x in range(2) ]
s.out = [ OutPort( 4 ) for x in range(2) ]
def elaborate_logic( s ):
s.wire_rd = [ Wire( 4 ) for x in range(2) ]
s.wire_wr = [ Wire( 4 ) for x in range(2) ]
for i in range(2):
s.connect( s.in_[i], s.wire_rd[i] )
s.connect( s.out[i], s.wire_wr[i] )
def logic():
for i in range(2):
s.wire_wr[i].value = s.wire_rd[i]
List of Wires read-only in a concurrent block don't translate properly (generated as regs instead of wires and assigned to signals improperly):