cornell-zhang / hcl-dialect

HeteroCL-MLIR dialect for accelerator design
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[Binding] Eliminate duplicated operations #98

Closed chhzh123 closed 2 years ago

chhzh123 commented 2 years ago

Currently, we view each operation as a new object and rebuild it no matter it was built before, which incurs redundant memory accesses and computation. In the following example, without duplicated operation detection, A[x] may be loaded several times.

def test_duplicate():
    A = hcl.placeholder((32,))

    def func(x):
        return (x - 1) * x * (x + 1)

    def test(A):
        return hcl.compute((32,), lambda i: func(A[i]), "A")

    s = hcl.create_schedule([A], test)

From the generated MLIR code, we can see three loads are needed.

module {
  func @top(%arg0: memref<32xi32>) -> memref<32xi32> attributes {itypes = "s", otypes = "s"} {
    %0 = memref.alloc() {name = "A"} : memref<32xi32>
    affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 32 {
      %1 = affine.load %arg0[%arg1] {from = "compute_0"} : memref<32xi32>
      %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
      %2 = arith.subi %1, %c1_i32 : i32
      %3 = affine.load %arg0[%arg1] {from = "compute_0"} : memref<32xi32>
      %4 = arith.muli %2, %3 : i32
      %5 = affine.load %arg0[%arg1] {from = "compute_0"} : memref<32xi32>
      %6 = arith.addi %5, %c1_i32 : i32
      %7 = arith.muli %4, %6 : i32 %7, %0[%arg1] {to = "A"} : memref<32xi32>
    } {loop_name = "x", stage_name = "A"}
    return %0 : memref<32xi32>

The original HeteroCL implementation also requires three loads. Obviously, TVM's one-line code cannot reuse the operands without expression folding.

// attr [_top] storage_scope = "global"
allocate _top[int32 * 1]
produce _top {
  // attr [0] extern_scope = 0
  produce A {
    // attr [0] extern_scope = 0
    for "stage_name"="A" (i, 0, 32) {
      A[i] = int32((int96(((int64(placeholder0[i]) + (int64)-1)*int64(placeholder0[i])))*int96((placeholder0[i] + 1))))

After adding duplication detection, we can reuse the previous results and generate a much clean code.

module {
  func @top(%arg0: memref<32xi32>) -> memref<32xi32> attributes {itypes = "s", otypes = "s"} {
    %0 = memref.alloc() {name = "A"} : memref<32xi32>
    affine.for %arg1 = 0 to 32 {
      %1 = affine.load %arg0[%arg1] {from = "compute_0"} : memref<32xi32>
      %c1_i32 = arith.constant 1 : i32
      %2 = arith.subi %1, %c1_i32 : i32
      %3 = arith.muli %2, %1 : i32
      %4 = arith.addi %1, %c1_i32 : i32
      %5 = arith.muli %3, %4 : i32 %5, %0[%arg1] {to = "A"} : memref<32xi32>
    } {loop_name = "x", stage_name = "A"}
    return %0 : memref<32xi32>