Create a folder /atoms under /components. Inside /atoms, you should create folders /DatePicker, /TimePicker, /BoxText with a file index.tsx inside containing the code for that atom.
Implement a date picker, time picker, and box component adhering to the Design System above.
Picture of date and time picker components:
The following are the props for date picker and time picker:
Task at Hand
Picture of date and time picker components:
The following are the props for date picker and time picker:
interface DatePickerProps { label: string | JSX.Element;
value?: string; error?: string;
interface TimePickerProps { label: string | JSX.Element; value?: string; error?: string; disablePast?: boolean;
Picture of box components:
The following are the props for box text:
interface BoxProps { boxType: 'Meeting Block' | 'Room Block'; title: string; bgColor: string; time?: string; // For Meeting Block tags?: string[]; // For badges like "Hybrid", "AA"
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