cornerman / covenant

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outdated libraries #116

Open elyphas opened 3 years ago

elyphas commented 3 years ago

I am trying to update some libraries:

I need to update this because errors happens with another library:

  //val scribe = dep("com.outr" %%% "scribe" % "2.7.13")
  val scribe = dep("com.outr" %%% "scribe" % "3.0.4")

and this because some compatibility with outwatch:

  val scalajs = new {
    val dom = dep("org.scala-js" %%% "scalajs-dom" % "2.0.0")

but I am getting some errors when I do it.

[error] /home/elyphas/Prjs/mycelium/mycelium/js/src/main/scala/core/JsMessageBuilder.scala:40:33: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : Function1[org.scalajs.dom.UIEvent,promise.type] (in scala) 
[error]  required: Function1[org.scalajs.dom.ProgressEvent,_]      (in scala.scalajs.js) 
[error]     reader.onload = (_:UIEvent) => {
[error]                                 ^

this seems because jump from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0 on scalajs-dom.

Any idea, please

cornerman commented 3 years ago

Hi @elyphas, thanks for reporting. It seems, you are having an issue, updating mycelium. The latest version 0.1.0 on maven already has support for scala-js-dom 2.0.0. You can check it out. Though some package names have changed in mycelium, so we would need to make some adoptions in the code here.

elyphas commented 3 years ago

Thank You @cornerman.

and I am sorry, I made a mistake when I copy the error from the terminal window It was taken from mycelium terminal window. I was trying to update the libraries on mycelium and covenant at the same time.

elyphas commented 3 years ago

oh, I think I found the situation.

mycelium change the return type UIEvent to ProgressEvent on this line: reader.onload = (_: ProgressEvent) => {

I will try more later I hope I can compile it. :-)