cornernote / yii-audit-module

Track and display usage information including page requests, database field changes, php errors and yii logs.
22 stars 13 forks source link

Also the log stores the query twice why is this happening #4

Open ryan876smith opened 10 years ago

cornernote commented 10 years ago

Is it the same format each time (eg, the same thing inserting twice, or is it 2 things that insert with different formatting)?

Can you share your log config from your config/main.php?

ryan876smith commented 10 years ago


$homePath = dirname(FILE) . '/../..'; $protectedPath = _joinpath($homePath, 'protected'); $webrootPath = _joinpath($homePath, 'webroot'); $runtimePath = _joinpath($homePath, 'runtime'); $dataPath = _joinpath($homePath, 'data');

$dbhost ="localhost"; $dbuser = $dbuser1 ="root"; $dbpass = $dbpass1 =""; $dbname ="smartfol_soda"; $dbname1 ="core";

// Yii::setPathOfAlias('bootstrap', $protectedPath .'/extensions/bootstrap');

// uncomment the following to define a path alias // Yii::setPathOfAlias('local','path/to/local-folder');

// This is the main Web application configuration. Any writable // CWebApplication properties can be configured here. return array(

'configConsole' => array( 'basePath' => dirname(FILE).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'..', 'name' => 'My Console Application', // Aliases 'aliases' => 'inherit',

// Preloading 'log' component 'preload' => array('log'),

// Autoloading model and component classes 'import'=>array( 'application.helpers.', 'application.models.', 'application.components.', 'application.helper.', 'application.modules.cms.CmsModule', 'application.modules.auditTrail.models.AuditTrail', 'application.modules.user.models.', 'application.modules.user.components.', 'application.modules.rights.', 'application.modules.rights.components.', 'application.extensions.YiiMongoDbSuite.', 'application.extensions.EfineUploader.', 'application.extensions.x-editable.', 'application.extensions.uniqueMultiColumnValidator.', 'application.modules.edify.models.', 'application.modules.edify.components.', 'application.modules.quantify.models.', 'application.modules.admin.models.', 'application.modules.audit.models.', 'application.modules.audit.components.', 'bootstrap.helpers.TbHtml', ), 'modules'=>array( 'user'=>array( 'tableUsers' => 'users', 'tableProfiles' => 'users_profiles', 'tableProfileFields' => 'users_profiles_fields',

encrypting method (php hash function)

'hash' => 'sha256',

send activation email

'sendActivationMail' => true,

allow access for non-activated users

'loginNotActiv' => false,

activate user on registration (only sendActivationMail = false)

'activeAfterRegister' => false,

automatically login from registration

'autoLogin' => true,

registration path

'registrationUrl' => array('/user/registration'),

recovery password path

'recoveryUrl' => array('/user/recovery'),

login form path

'loginUrl' => array('/'),

page after login

'returnUrl' => array('/user/profile'),

page after logout

'returnLogoutUrl' => array('/'), ), ), // Application componentshome 'components'=>array( 'user'=>array( 'class'=>'application.extensions.console.ConsoleUser', ), // Database 'db'=>'inherit', // Application Log 'log' => array( 'class' => 'CLogRouter', 'routes' => array( // Save log messages on file array( 'class' => 'CFileLogRoute', 'levels' => 'error, warning, trace, info', ), ), ),

), 'params'=>array( // this is used in contact page 'ConsoleMode'=> true, 'webRoot'=> $webrootPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sites' , 'latestBuild'=> $webrootPath. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '', 'modeTemplate'=> $protectedPath. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'mode.template.php', 'configFolder'=> $protectedPath. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , 'indexTemplate'=> 'index.tpl.php' ),


'configWeb' => array( 'basePath' => $protectedPath, 'runtimePath' => $runtimePath, 'defaultController' => 'site', // preloading 'log' component 'preload' => array( 'log', 'errorHandler', // handle fatal errors ), 'aliases' => array( //If you manually installed it 'xupload' => 'ext.xupload', 'bootstrap' => $protectedPath.'/extensions/bootstrap', // change this if necessary 'editable' => $protectedPath. '/extensions/x-editable' , // change this if necessary

'uniqueMultiColumnValidator'=>'application.extensions.uniqueMultiColumnValidator', 'EWordValidator'=>'application.extensions.EWordValidator', ), // autoloading model and component classes 'import'=>array( 'application.helpers.', 'application.models.', 'application.components.', 'application.helper.', 'application.modules.auditTrail.models.AuditTrail', 'application.modules.user.', 'application.modules.user.models.', 'application.modules.user.components.', 'application.modules.rights.', 'application.modules.rights.components.', 'application.extensions.YiiMongoDbSuite.', 'application.extensions.EfineUploader.', 'application.extensions.x-editable.', 'application.extensions.uniqueMultiColumnValidator.', 'application.extensions.EWordValidator.', 'application.modules.edify.models.', 'application.modules.edify.components.', 'application.modules.quantify.models.', 'application.modules.admin.models.', 'application.modules.audit.models.', 'application.modules.audit.components.', 'application.modules.cms.*', 'bootstrap.helpers.TbHtml', ), 'theme'=>'bootstrap', 'modules'=>array( 'rights'=>array( 'superuserName'=>'admin', // Name of the role with super user privileges. 'authenticatedName'=>'Authenticated', // Name of the authenticated user role. 'userIdColumn'=>'userid', // Name of the user id column in the database. 'userNameColumn'=>'username', // Name of the user name column in the database. 'enableBizRule'=>false, // Whether to enable authorization item business rules. 'enableBizRuleData'=>false, // Whether to enable data for business rules. 'displayDescription'=>true, // Whether to use item description instead of name. 'flashSuccessKey'=>'RightsSuccess', // Key to use for setting success flash messages. 'flashErrorKey'=>'RightsError', // Key to use for setting error flash messages. 'baseUrl'=>'/rights', // Base URL for Rights. Change if module is nested. 'layout'=>'application.views.layouts.column1', // Layout to use for displaying Rights. 'appLayout'=>'application.views.layouts.main', // Application layout. 'cssFile'=>'rights.css', // Style sheet file to use for Rights. // 'install'=>false, // Whether to enable installer. 'debug'=>true, // Whether to enable debug mode. ), ),

// application components 'components'=>array( 'bootstrap'=>array( 'class'=>'bootstrap.components.TbApi', ), 'editable' => array( 'class' => 'editable.EditableConfig', 'form' => 'bootstrap', //form style: 'bootstrap', 'jqueryui', 'plain' 'mode' => 'inline', //mode: 'popup' or 'inline' 'defaults' => array('emptytext' => 'Click to edit' ), //default settings for all editable elements

), 'user'=>array( 'class'=>'RWebUser', // enable cookie-based authentication 'allowAutoLogin'=>true, 'loginUrl'=>array('/site/login'), ), 'authManager'=>array( 'class'=>'RDbAuthManager', 'connectionID'=>'db', 'defaultRoles'=>array('Authenticated'), 'assignmentTable'=>'Rights_AuthAssignment', 'itemTable'=>'Rights_Authitem', 'itemChildTable'=>'Rights_AuthItemChild', ), 'request'=>array( 'enableCsrfValidation'=>true, 'enableCookieValidation'=>true, ), // uncomment the following to enable URLs in path-format 'urlManager'=>array( 'urlFormat'=>'path', 'rules'=>array( 'controller:w+/id:-?d+'=>'/view', 'controller:w+/action:w+/id:-?d+'=>'/', 'controller:w+/action:w+'=>'/', 'page/-id:d+.html'=>'cms/node/page', // clean URLs for pages

), 'showScriptName'=>false, ), / 'mongodb' => array( 'class' => 'EMongoDB', 'connectionString' => 'mongodb://localhost', 'dbName' => 'smartfol_soda', 'fsyncFlag' => false, 'safeFlag' => false, 'useCursor' => false, ), / 'core'=>array( 'class'=>'CDbConnection', 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host='.$dbhost.';dbname='.$dbname1, 'emulatePrepare' => true, 'username' => $dbuser1, 'password' => $dbpass1, 'charset' => 'utf8', 'enableProfiling' => true, 'enableParamLogging' => true, ), 'errorHandler'=>array( // use 'site/error' action to display errors 'errorAction'=>'site/error', ), 'cms'=>array( 'class'=>'cms.components.Cms' ),


), );

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 5:54 PM, cornernote notifications@github.comwrote:

Is it the same format each time (eg, the same thing inserting twice, or is it 2 things that insert with different formatting)?

Can you share your log config from your config/main.php?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

cornernote commented 10 years ago

The interesting part is:

'log' => array(
'class' => 'CLogRouter',
 'routes' => array(
// Save log messages on file
 'class' => 'CFileLogRoute',
'levels' => 'error, warning, trace, info',

Seems you are not using AuditLogRoute, which means it shouldn't be storing anything in the log.

Perhaps I misunderstand the issue. Which table is storing the query twice?

ryan876smith commented 10 years ago

So we i examine the AuditLogRoute it has start: and end: before a query and it stored both I had the logroute in so that kinda weird but i echo out $log from AuditLogRoute i notice the start: and end: \ before the query and it saved the query twice is what i meant

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 6:53 PM, cornernote notifications@github.comwrote:

The interesting part is:

'log' => array( 'class' => 'CLogRouter', 'routes' => array( // Save log messages on file array( 'class' => 'CFileLogRoute', 'levels' => 'error, warning, trace, info', ), ), ),

Seems you are not using AuditLogRoute, which means it shouldn't be storing anything in the log.

Perhaps I misunderstand the issue. Which table is storing the query twice?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

cornernote commented 10 years ago

Sorry, i'm not sure what you mean. Can you send a screenshot?