cornernote / yii-email-module

Email system with templates and email queuing.
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Property "TbHeroUnit.content" is not defined. #3

Closed uldisn closed 10 years ago

uldisn commented 10 years ago

\yii-email-module\email\views\default\index.php(23) 20 $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbHeroUnit', array( 21 'heading' => $this->module->getName(), 22 'content' => $content, 23 ));

cornernote commented 10 years ago

There should be no issue with TbHeroUnit.content... are you using YiiStrap?

uldisn commented 10 years ago

I use

cornernote commented 10 years ago

I used to use it, but it seems YiiStrap is more modern and a lot lighter, and has better support for bootstrap... so I converted:

Let me know your thoughts.

uldisn commented 10 years ago

Migrate my code form YiiBooster to YiiStrap is to hard. Easy are generate by Gii new screens.

uldisn commented 10 years ago

Maybe YiiStrap to be removed from composer.json. It is optional.

cornernote commented 10 years ago

YiiStrap is required, if you remove it from composer.json then none of the pages will render.

The reason it works for you is YiiBooster is a very similar library, which shares many of the same class names as YiiStrap.

The reason you are having an issue with TbHeroUnit is because YiiBooster is not quite 100% compatible with YiiStrap.

I'll have a look later and see if I can get YiiStrap to work in this module, while still allowing YiiBooster to be in your app. I'm not sure if it will work because they are both called "bootstrap" in the config.

cornernote commented 10 years ago

Hey uldisn,

Checkout the last patch. I haven't tested as I don't have an app running YiiBooster, but it should do the trick.

Let me know how it goes.