cornerstonejs / cornerstone3D

Cornerstone is a set of JavaScript libraries that can be used to build web-based medical imaging applications. It provides a framework to build radiology applications such as the OHIF Viewer.
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Cornerstone3d Server and multi-frame image #140

Open SLOSHAI-Devs opened 2 years ago

SLOSHAI-Devs commented 2 years ago

Which client and server did cornerstone 3d used in their examples? is it dicomweb-client and dicomweb-server ? dicomweb-server has the same format of APIs for metadata and Frames. We currently face problem in saving multiframe image using following dicomWeb-client code

Code start

from dicomweb_client.api import DICOMwebClient import pydicom client = DICOMwebClient(url="") filename1 = "dcmFilename.dcm" dataset1 = pydicom.dcmread(filename1) data=client.store_instances(datasets=[dataset1])

Code end. This one is not storing frames of multiframe image

If it is the Orthanc then is it customised? As Orthanc frame API have different format i.e. ({id}/frames/{frame}) But cornerstone 3d is using{{studyId}}/series/{{seriesId}}/instances/{{id}}/frames/{frame}

sedghi commented 9 months ago

The server is dicomweb compliant Can you provide more details?