cornerstonejs / cornerstone3D

Cornerstone is a set of JavaScript libraries that can be used to build web-based medical imaging applications. It provides a framework to build radiology applications such as the OHIF Viewer.
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RFC for v2.x #717

Open sedghi opened 1 year ago

sedghi commented 1 year ago

Cornerstone3D beta distribution tag is now live in npm πŸŽ‰, and the beta branch will publish to it.


We are excited πŸ˜ƒ to open this RFC for version 2.x of Cornerstone3D. Our vision for these changes includes:

These changes are intended to make Cornerstone3D more modern and efficient. However, we recognize that they might also lead to breaking changes, particularly in the API 😬.

If there is any part of the API that doesn't make sense to you, or if you have a better idea that you couldn't propose before due to it being a breaking change, now is the time ⏰. We value your input, and we're eager to hear your thoughts πŸ’­.

How to Propose Changes:

sedghi commented 1 year ago - DONE

sedghi commented 1 year ago - DONE

shunia commented 1 year ago

Would the rafactor of dicom-image-loader be part of this version?

Since this version is mainly trying to catch up with the modern DX, I'd love to see that the web worker files can be loaded in a more general way, which could makes it possible to be bundled by other modern bundlers like vite. By saying a more general way, I mean the loading path should be implemented with import.meta.url or something like this.

For now I believe users have to manually copy all the worker files from within the dicom-image-loader package into somewhere their bundlers can read and put the files into a path that the dicom-image-loader code can read and load, which is exactly is what you suggested here. Though it definitely works, I think it could be better.

This is what almost 'blocks' me from using this great library the first time, with a project set up by vite.

sedghi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your comment @shunia Yes, it would be ideally what you are recommending here. Although I have not tried cornerstone3D with vite . Do you have a simple repo with cs3d and default setup of the vite so that I try to make sure in 2.x it is resolved?

shunia commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your comment @shunia Yes, it would be ideally what you are recommending here. Although I have not tried cornerstone3D with vite . Do you have a simple repo with cs3d and default setup of the vite so that I try to make sure in 2.x it is resolved?

I would love to and did try to create a repo for this, but after some digging I find it becoming harder to implement a simple viewer now because of the API change, you have to create an image loader or the viewport will just not work and complains with errors.

If you are interested in how to setup a basic vite project, I think you can simply follow the command:

npm create vite@latest 

And because of the failed experience, I believe the 'image loader' concept should be improved too. I don't have enough time to dig deeper now, but I think the signature of registerImageLoader function is quite intuitive: the second parameter with type ImageLoaderFn is not documented well, and even after reading some of the source codes I still have no clue what should be returned for the promise since it's a Record<string, any> type.

sedghi commented 1 year ago

I hoped the custom image loader how-to-guide adds some guidance on how to write your loaders

sedghi commented 11 months ago


imageCoordinate -> worldCoordinate

function getDataInTime( dynamicVolume: Types.IDynamicImageVolume, options: { frameNumbers?; maskVolumeId?; imageCoordinate?; } ): number[] | number[][] {~~

sedghi commented 10 months ago


I think there is an inconsistency with how a volume or stack triggers the NEW_VOLUME or NEW_STACK events. In BaseVolumeViewport.ts, the VOLUME_VIEWPORT_NEW_VOLUME event is triggered on the viewport element whereas in StackViewport.ts, the STACK_VIEWPORT_NEW_STACK event is triggered on the cornerstone eventTarget. Is this intentional? Relevant lines below:[…]2

shunia commented 10 months ago

I hoped the custom image loader how-to-guide adds some guidance on how to write your loaders

I believe the most important part is omitted in the example code:

// Request succeeded, Create an image object (logic omitted)
const image = createImageObject(oReq.response);

What is the actual return type?

sedghi commented 10 months ago


camera rotation should be on the camera not properties

sedghi commented 9 months ago

remove STACK_NEW_IMAGE and VOLUME_NEW_IMAGE after merging the NEW_IMAGE

sedghi commented 9 months ago


getCalibratedLengthUnits and getCalibratedAreaUnits arugment order

sedghi commented 9 months ago


resetCamera(resetPan, ....)

sedghi commented 8 months ago

decache, convertToImages etc. in streaming

sedghi commented 8 months ago


referenceId vs referencedId vs referencedImageId vs referenceImageId

sedghi commented 8 months ago


export function triggerAnnotationRenderForViewportIds( renderingEngine: Types.IRenderingEngine, viewportIdsToRender: string[] ): void {

Should be rendering engine Id

sedghi commented 8 months ago



sedghi commented 8 months ago


createAndCacheVolume might be better to name createAndCacheEmptyVolume

sedghi commented 8 months ago

getSegmentationRepresentationByUID requires toolGroupId which does not makes sense

sedghi commented 8 months ago

getAllSegmentationRepresentations should be array instead of object

sedghi commented 7 months ago

drawpath vs drawpolyline

sedghi commented 7 months ago

Increase line width to 100, OHIF dev experience is much better

sedghi commented 7 months ago


should not rely on toolGroupId as UIDs should be uids

sedghi commented 4 months ago

drawRect, drawRectByCoordinates,

kresli commented 3 months ago

I can see the types for dicomImageLoader is missing. I've been trying to fix it on main branch but I ended up with issue with @cornerstonejs/core and other types used in the image loader. As you are using monorepo I would expect to use composite tsc feature but thats not the case. I'm happy to contribute if necessary as the image loader is a huge part of our project.

sedghi commented 3 months ago

@kresli I know it is a pain, we will work on it soon hopefully

sedghi commented 3 months ago

We are not following the lps definition in our slices, volview does it correctly

wayfarer3130 commented 3 months ago

Update the volume API to use single slices on browser side and combined slice data on volume side so that the memory is shared between single frames and multiple frames and large volume allocation works. This should allow 2 memory regions on the webGL side to be treated as a single volume for rendering so that larger volumes can be created. This would involve removing all the destination volume code where the offset to store to is included in the imageio, and the imageio would no longer need to use shared memory.

wayfarer3130 commented 3 months ago

We might want to consider the API for resizing of windows - there is CSS which automatically selects the right aspect ratio, and will allow resizing the window using the browser native resize so it is really smooth, followed by automatic updates. Unfortunately, it changes the API for the element containing the viewport a tiny bit - the old ones work, but need to be fixed just a bit to work more smoothly, but the new element styling is NOT backwards compatible.

sedghi commented 3 months ago


We should enable the prescale always to true

sedghi commented 3 months ago

We need to add viewGroups which are different than toolGroups image

sedghi commented 3 months ago

Optional installs

sedghi commented 2 months ago

Changing the naming of the -> change everything to Units

AreaUnits Units -> to remove this or LengthUnits ModalityUnits -> PixelUnits (in PT it can be scaled or not, so it is really PixelUnits)

sedghi commented 2 months ago

display are should be one to one always