cornerstonejs / cornerstoneTools

A framework for tools built on top of Cornerstone.
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Cornerstone minimum system requirement #1156

Open majidazn opened 4 years ago

majidazn commented 4 years ago

what is minimum system requirement of cornerstone ? I get some errors about buffer size in an old system with 4GB ram and Graphic 32 bit windows 7

dannyrb commented 4 years ago

By default?

I think our image cache has a default limit of 1GB. Images may expand while decoding, and take some time to be garbage collected. A couple of our decoders have "fixed memory" limits and dynamic memory variants.

Tweaking the max cache size, or the bundled codecs in cornerstone-wado-image-loader could be done to support low-memory systems.

You may also encounter issues using older browsers and browser versions.

If you're using this machine as a primary viewing device, I recommend upgrading if you're able. Hardware is relatively affordable when compared to the time efficiencies gained with a more modern device.

majidazn commented 4 years ago

My application works well in modern devices. But in my customer's pc not. After load few images, an error occur. It is not about memory but I think that is because of Graphic card it is 32 bit and cornerstone can't render more image at the same time. I just want to be sure about that to inform my customer that he upgrade his device.

dannyrb commented 4 years ago

Cornerstone does CPU rendering by default; you can turn on WebGL rendering when enabling an element. I'm not 100% sure what specific bottleneck you're hitting