cornerstonejs / cornerstoneTools

A framework for tools built on top of Cornerstone.
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Adding custom image loader options to stack tool #1165

Open lyan2000 opened 4 years ago

lyan2000 commented 4 years ago



I am using corerstoneWADOImageLoader with a custom load request and wish to use the stack tool from cornerstoneTools with this custom load request.

The current API call looks like const imageId = 'wadouri:my.custom.resource.identifier'; const myloader = imageId => { return myPromiseThatWillResolveWithArrayBuffer; } cornerstone.loadImage(imageId, {loader: myloader})

There does not seem to be an option when I specify the stack, which only contains imageId's and the currentIndex.

Is there a workaround to this within the tool? I can't seem to find one without having to modify the cornerstoneTools source code (requestPoolManager.js and stackPrefetch.js).

Another option is to change cornerstoneWADOImageLoader source code (src/imageLoader/wadouri/loadImage.js) to add a custom scheme to the loader along with the custom load request, in addition to the existing 'dicomweb', 'wadouri', and 'dicomfile'. Then I can avoid supplying an option while issuing the loadImage call.

I can raise a PR for either solution if preferred.

Thank you!

lyan2000 commented 4 years ago

I just did a search on cornerstone.loadImage() and cornerstone.loadAndCacheImage() within the cornerstone tools project. It appears that all of these calls are related to stack management and none would allow inclusion of options. I think it might be easier to allow adding scheme to the WADO image loader.

lyan2000 commented 4 years ago

I have commented on

lyan2000 commented 4 years ago

Can we add an optional property to the stack data model { currentImageIdIndex: number, imageIds: string [], imageLoaderOptions: any[] }; where imageLoaderOptions array is optional, has the same length as imageId that can be used in cornerstone.loadImage() and cornerstone.loadAndCacheImage()?