corny / luftdaten-python

Python program for the sensor network (e.g. usage with Raspberry-Pi)
MIT License
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Please add SHT31 sensor #13

Open gidhap opened 2 years ago

gidhap commented 2 years ago

I found the attached python script to test the sensor, but have no clue how to make it transferring data to Any chance to get the SHT31 sensor covered ?


SHT31 abfragen


import os, sys, time import smbus

I2C Bus festlegen

bus = smbus.SMBus(1)

SHT31 Adresse definieren, 0x44(68)

bus.write_i2c_block_data(0x44, 0x2C, [0x06])


Daten lesen aus 0x00(00), 6 Bytes

Temp MSB, Temp LSB, Temp CRC, Humididty MSB, Humidity LSB, Humidity CRC

data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(0x44, 0x00, 6)

Daten konvertieren

temp = data[0] 256 + data[1] cTemp = -45 + (175 temp / 65535.0) fTemp = -49 + (315 temp / 65535.0) humidity = 100 (data[3] * 256 + data[4]) / 65535.0

Daten anzeigen

print "Temperatur in Celsius: %.2f C" %cTemp print "Temperatur in Fahrenheit: %.2f F" %fTemp print "Relative Feuchtigkeit: %.2f %%RH" %humidity`