corona-warn-app / cwa-app-android

Native Android app using the Apple/Google exposure notification API. The CWA development ends on May 31, 2023. You still can warn other users until April 30, 2023. More information:
Apache License 2.0
2.44k stars 497 forks source link

App unavailable on non-German Play Store #478

Closed AHDGraham closed 4 years ago

AHDGraham commented 4 years ago

Your Question

boxwood commented 4 years ago

Similar issue for me. Swiss play store account. But as a German resident and weekly commuter I should use both apps (Swiss and German) as long there is no code roaming solution in place.

SebastianWolf-SAP commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your message. We are clarifying this with the Robert Koch Institute. I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused by only publishing it in the German Play Store. We keep you updated once we have any news.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards, SW Corona Warn-App Open Source Team

mat-l commented 4 years ago

I have a similar problem in my German Play Store app. Please find a screenshot of the error message below. Google deleted some services in the past from my Huawei phone due to the known conflict between Google and Huawei. I installed the Google apps manually again, but the Corona is not working.

Will you publish the app to Huawei App Gallery with their services as well?


Edit: my phone is registered as a German phone in the Google Play Store: Screenshot_20200616_083626

Anyways the app is not shown as a download to me. But the download is possible by following this link: Screenshot_20200616_083827_com android vending

SvenLieber commented 4 years ago

I have a similar issue in Belgium. When visiting the play store from the Browser I see the error message This app is incompatible with all of your devices. When visiting the play store from my PlayStore app I see the, luckily more concrete, error message This item is not available in your country.

abhimishr commented 4 years ago

Google play recommends switching countries. Play Store - Hamburger Menu on left right - Account - Preferences - Country and profiles

Switching to Germany won't show This item is not available in your country message anymore. This is problematic on its own because Google doesn't allow you changing it more than once a year and you'll loose your Google Play credits as well. In EU where we see quite a few people moving around between borders this cannot be a agreed upon solution. From an earlier comment by Sebastian, they are aware of this issue.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

Is it not possible to sideload the APK? From outside the play store? This has worked for me in the past with similar country restrictions.

This may work:

boxwood commented 4 years ago

Is it not possible to sideload the APK? From outside the play store? This has worked for me in the past with similar country restrictions.

This may work:

If you have a trustworthy APK yes. but this should be just a temporary workaround. you dont want to sideload from shady apk mirrors. i see no reason why the app shouldn't be published globally? i guess the architecture can handle this.

arianvp commented 4 years ago

Note that Google actually limits you to only moving one time per year. Which is of course a horrible constraint if you're an EU resident. I currently live in Germany but I cant change my Google accounts country because Google has decided that moving multiple countries per year is not allowed.

Lifting this restriction seems wise to me. Thanks for all the work!

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

Is it not possible to sideload the APK? From outside the play store? This has worked for me in the past with similar country restrictions.

This may work:

If you have a trustworthy APK yes. but this should be just a temporary workaround. you dont want to sideload from shady apk mirrors. i see no reason why the app shouldn't be published globally? i guess the architecture can handle this.

I think SAP has said they don't want to support sideloading. So I guess you have to trust it. It should still be signed correctly. Otherwise the Exposure API won't work if I'm not wrong. Otherwise there would be no testing issue for non-whitelisted Devs.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your message. We are clarifying this with the Robert Koch Institute. I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused by only publishing it in the German Play Store. We keep you updated once we have any news.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards, SW Corona Warn-App Open Source Team

All these issues could have been raised earlier had you allowed a beta test of interested members of the public.

Good to hear it seems only a bureaucratic mistake - and not one imposed by Google. So please fix this asap.

Example of a professor having this issue:

Flo082002 commented 4 years ago

Maybe it is possible to upload the apk in the releases here on github

lennarto commented 4 years ago

On your iPhone you are able to use more than one Apple ID per Device - Therefore I have a US-Apple ID as well as a german Apple ID to download specific apps.

boxwood commented 4 years ago

On your iPhone you are able to use more than one Apple ID per Device - Therefore I have a US-Apple ID as well as a german Apple ID to download specific apps.

very useful hint for android users ;-) but maybe senor google will consider such a flexibility in future releases. like IOS supports multi user scenarios (not)

L-E commented 4 years ago

My whole family has the same problem as we moved a few month ago from the UK to Germany and our phones are still stuck on the UK Google Play store. Despite talking to Google support I haven't been able to manually change the country. And Google only allows this a maximum of once a year anyway.

RKI should change the country distribution for the app in the Play store to all countries to avoid that someone travelling to Germany or living in Germany isn't able to download the app.

cooldaniel1991 commented 4 years ago

Same problem with the Italian play store. Don't forget Germany has 10 million foreigners.

caugner commented 4 years ago


  1. Download and install F-Droid.
  2. Install Aurora Store via F-Droid.
  3. Open Aurora and use "Anonymous" login.
  4. Change location to "Germany / Berlin".
  5. Restart app.
  6. Search for "corona warn app rki".
RexJarvis commented 4 years ago

Same problem, UK Play Store - Please just publish the official APK.

kurthuwig commented 4 years ago

Same here in France. As the play store uses the country of the credit card and you cannot change it easily - and not at all if you have a family account.

It does not make any sense to restrict the app to any country. The virus is not restricted by borders, so why is the app?

tegk commented 4 years ago

Please fix this ASAP!

gcampionpae commented 4 years ago

Same issue here :(

schmitzhenninglmu commented 4 years ago

As an Apple/iOS user I have an analogue issue. The app is unavailable in non-German store.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

How long will this take to fix? Should be only one click. This issue has been known for more than 6 hours. To estimate conservatively, 1% of potential users have this problem and half of them won't come back. Half of them will have tried installing by now. So we'll have already lost around 100k users to this avoidable bug so far. Get going!

flennic commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Living in Sweden and have to travel to Germany. Considering the current situation, that should be fixed asap.

Is there any plan to publish on F-Droid and/or is that possible at all?

arianvp commented 4 years ago

@flennic i don't think F-droid is possible as the app relies on Google Play Services to provide the exposure notification API.

flennic commented 4 years ago

@flennic i don't think F-droid is possible as the app relies on Google Play Services to provide the exposure notification API.

Ah okay, I wasn't sure if it just relies on services generally available on the phone or if that is related to the app store, as I didn't spend time investigating this. Thanks for clarifying!

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

@flennic I think you may have a quarantine problem anyways. Unless the Bundesland you go to doesn't enforce quarantine or you have a valid exemption.

flennic commented 4 years ago

@flennic I think you may have a quarantine problem anyways. Unless the Bundesland you go to doesn't enforce quarantine or you have a valid exemption.

Yes, I will have to do that, but that is not the point of the issue :) Just wanted to make sure and emphasize that it would be good if the app is available at least within the European stores.

treysis commented 4 years ago

Why do developers even come up with the idea to impose a region lock?

kurthuwig commented 4 years ago

Kam gerade rein:

"Das Unternehmen SAP prüft aktuell, ob die App europaweit/weltweit eingestellt werden kann. Dies wird momentan rechtlich durch SAP geprüft."

Da hat jemand wirklich nicht das Internet verstanden. Was muss da rechtlich geprüft werden, ob man es für die Europäischen Staaten freischalten darf???

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

Kam gerade rein:

"Das Unternehmen SAP prüft aktuell, ob die App europaweit/weltweit eingestellt werden kann. Dies wird momentan rechtlich durch SAP geprüft."

Da hat jemand wirklich nicht das Internet verstanden. Was muss da rechtlich geprüft werden, ob man es für die Europäischen Staaten freischalten darf???

🤦 Und wieder 50k unwiederbringlich verloren.

Mann mann mann, das ist lächerlich. Die Geo-Restriction besteht doch nicht aus juristischen Gründen.

Auf @SAP, dafür könnt ihr doch die 20mio endlich gut einsetzen bei einer Spitzenkanzlei, die euch das in 30min bestätigt.

@kurthuwig wo kam das rein? Presse?

codingcatgirl commented 4 years ago

Das Problem an dieser Stelle ist einfach mal wieder, dass Entwickler das Geolocking falsch verstanden haben. Beim Geolocking geht es nicht um den Aufenthaltsort, sondern um die Rechnungsadresse im Google Play Store, die sich nicht beliebig oft ändern lässt.

Selbes Problem bei Apps der DHL, diversen Taxi Apps, etc… man schießt sich damit selbst ins bein.

Liebe RKI und SAP: Die App ist bereits im Ausland verfügbar, wenn die Rechnungsadresse stimmt. Was auch immer ihr genau damit erreichen wollt, Geolocking im Play Store macht nicht das, was ihr denkt.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

@codingcatgirl Das hätte denen jeder erzählen können der schon zig Mal im Ausland war. Dass das RKI das nicht weiß ok. Aber SAP? Jeder der mal eine Android App gemacht hat sollte die Einstellung kennen.

Stand in keinem Dokument, dass die App georestricted sein würde. Also ist das doch auch nicht vorgeschrieben. Und warum muss man das dann jetzt prüfen wenn es davor noch nicht geprüft war? Fragen über Fragen. Wo sind die Journalisten, die mal ein bisschen Druck aufbauen?

EccoApp commented 4 years ago

As far as I know Google and Apple want to ensure that there is only one Corona App per country. This could be a reason for the implementation of Geo Blocking.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

@EccoApp Correct, one app per country. But that's enforced through explicit whitelisting of apps, not georestricting play accounts. Italy's app can be installed here in Germany:

Good news: Die Presse arbeitet an diesem Thema - das sollte helfen zu beschleunigen.

vijay399 commented 4 years ago

Download from Here if Getting Incompatible on Play store :

jbauerrfid commented 4 years ago

The idea of the European Union is to have unrestricted transfer of goods, services, people and finance transaction. In the case of apps this falls into the service category. Why is this limited for the Corona Warn app? Does SAP still live in the last century? They should unblock it at least for all EU countries quickly.

MartinKuhne commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue. We live in the US and Germany. I am unable to change the play store location at this time.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

3h since my last comment.

@SebastianWolf-SAP please give us an update. This is probably the number one issue at the moment. First you said you were asking the RKI. What did they say? Then someone claimed SAP is checking legality. Any news on that?

Italy, Switzerland, Latvia aren't restricting. Why are we? If this was thought about before, why wasn't it discussed in the scoping document, architecture etc. If it wasn't discussed before, then it wasn't a legal issue since lawyers must have greenlighted it. So what's stopping you?

Has no one read this article yet?

I hate to bring this up again but you're getting paid 20mio of tax payer money for 30 Devs (according to GitHub). That's 200k per month. Even if you're ten times as many, it's a ridiculous pay. Surely someone can figure this out.

And I'm sure there's someone available 24/7 at @Google somewhere around the world, willing to assist you with this Play Store issue - if it's a big problem, at least tell us so that we know you care.

hartenfels commented 4 years ago

Ran into this issue. My Play Store location defaulted to USA for no discernible reason. The Play Store page told me that the app wasn't compatible with my device. Spent a long time trying to figure out what about my phone was inacceptable.

Turns out the reason I couldn't install the app is because I first had to give Google my credit card number. That changed my Play Store region to Germany, which in turn suddenly made my device compatible.

The Corona-Warn-App silently requiring me to give my credit card to Google before I'm allowed to use it is outright moon logic. Telling me that my device has anything to with it would have caused a less persistent person to just give up and not install the app, misleading them into thinking they need a new phone.

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

@hartenfels What you're talking about is a known workaround - it's not possible for everyone and there are good reasons why the geo-lock should be lifted.

@AHDGraham It was brought to my attention that you labelled this issue a "question". I suggest you relabel it a "bug" to escalate it to its proper status, given the attention it has received.

AHDGraham commented 4 years ago

Hi SebastianWolf, Good to see the Corona Warn-App Open Source Team is dealing with this and I see you have flagged it as a bug. I'd be happy to beta-test any update as a account holder.

SebastianWolf-SAP commented 4 years ago

Hey @AHDGraham ,

we need to get some legal stuff sorted out, but the required people are definitely aware of the issue and working on it. You know, German laws are sometimes special in comparison to others. As said above, we take care. In the heat of the moment today, we probably simply forgot this 'bug' assignment, no bad intentions...

@corneliusroemer, I need to repeatedly remind you of our code of conduct. Your behavior - not only in this thread - showed many elements which we consider to be derogatory or simply inappropriate in a professional setting. We would really like to avoid to speak out warnings or introduce more serious actions. Instead, let's treat each other with courtesy to get the issues fixed.

Thank you very much!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best regards, SW Corona Warn-App Open Source Team

fhajji commented 4 years ago

Same problem here. My Galaxy S5 LineageOS + Gapps is connected to the German Playstore, and was able to download the app without issues (from a US IP address).

The Galaxy S4 LineageOS + Gapps of my dad (also from a US IP address) is connected to the US Playstore, and there, Corona Warn App is not even listed (is the S4 supported at all?). The RKI link provided by @corneliusroemer said on the S4 that this app is not available in your country.

Physically, we're both with our phones in Germany right now, but for some reasons we use US IP addresses, so network-wise, we're in the US.

I know there are workarounds, including VPNs and open wifi spots here to temporarily get a German IP address for the sake of downloading the app, but frankly, I won't bother. At most, I'd install on the S4 an official APK from this GitHub project if it were provided, as a last resort. Going the F-Droid route seems too risky, IMHO (e.g. what's the SHA-256 of the official Playstore APK?).

Please fix this availability issue.

kurthuwig commented 4 years ago

Kam gerade rein: "Das Unternehmen SAP prüft aktuell, ob die App europaweit/weltweit eingestellt werden kann. Dies wird momentan rechtlich durch SAP geprüft." @kurthuwig wo kam das rein? Presse?

Nein, das war eine Antwort von CoronaWarnApp auf meine Anfrage, warum es nicht im Ausland geht. Die Hotline wusste auch nichts von dem Problem, hat es aber "an die Vorgesetzte eskaliert".

MartinKuhne commented 4 years ago

I know there are workarounds, including VPNs and open wifi spots here to temporarily get a German IP address for the sake of downloading the app, but frankly, I won't bother. At most, I'd install on the S4 an official APK from this GitHub project if it were provided, as a last resort. Going the F-Droid route seems too risky, IMHO (e.g. what's the SHA-256 of the official Playstore APK?).

This is not actually a workaround. I am on T-Mo DSL in Germany and my play store has reverted to the US, and it's not showing or allowing to install.

fhajji commented 4 years ago

Ah, good to know. Thanks @MartinKuhne. So we'll have to wait until the app becomes available on the US Play Store.

Edit: confirmed. Tried to install via a German IP address... no joy.

tegk commented 4 years ago

@SebastianWolf-SAP Perhaps you would like to share some more information with us why it is not possible to clarify such a simple issue within one working day. Personally, I simply cannot understand it and would be happy to receive a detailed answer. My family and I are not able to use the app and the chance is high that it will never be used if there is no immediate action.

xxyyz commented 4 years ago

Just one comment: one can change the country without changing any credit card data. (Physical location or IP address doesn't matter either.) So if the once-per-a-year limit is not a problem for you, then you can install the app. The steps:

Use any web browser. You can do the first 5 steps below from your laptop.

1) Go to -- you'll have to log in with your google username and password: they are your gmail address and its password

2) On the left hand side you see a menu. Select the last item: "Payments and subscriptions".

3) Select the first item in the middle of the new page: "Payment methods".

4) Select the last, rightmost item from the new menu on the top: "Settings".

5) Here you see your "Payment profile". The second item is the "Country/region", which you can simply change to Germany.

Now you are ready with your Google / Play store payment country change. The last step is to select it on your phone. So you have to do the following steps on your mobile.

6) Start the Play Store app.

7) Tap the menu (top left) and select Account (Konto).

8) Here you should see "Country and profiles" with two countries: your current one (which is not Germany) and Germany. Select Germany.

After this step the installation problem "Dieser Artikel ist in deinem Land nicht verfügbar" should not come anymore and you should be able to install the Corona-Warn-App from

corneliusroemer commented 4 years ago

Why are you just addressing @AHDGraham and ignoring other points raised by the community? Or people who opened similar issues but whose issues got closed as duplicates? It sounds like you are listening only very selectively.

@corneliusroemer, I need to repeatedly remind you of our code of conduct. Your behavior - not only in this thread - showed many elements which we consider to be derogatory or simply inappropriate in a professional setting. We would really like to avoid to speak out warnings or introduce more serious actions. Instead, let's treat each other with courtesy to get the issues fixed.

@SebastianWolf-SAP Since you make public accusations I should have the right to a defense. But your allegations need to be concrete, not just "in various places". Can you please detail them so that I can understand what you consider derogatory? Isn't it normal for discussions to get heated occasionally?

Are you now using any of the clauses in the code of conduct against me or not? It sounds like you're trying to intimidate me rather than use an actual warning. I prefer clarity. Which articles do you invoke against me if any and why in case you do? I'm sure the community is interested and happy to judge.

This is the first time you mention the code of conduct. Why do you then say repeatedly?

I never intended to hurt anyone. If I did, I apologise. I admit mistakes but I expect the same of others.

On a more general note:

You see, you're getting paid, we're not. All the community cares about is the success of the app. The same cannot be said of SAP. You are making a profit, making money, want to have a good reputation. All understandable. But it means there's is a conflict of interest. If SAP was doing this pro bono, I would say many things very differently. But you are not.

All my criticism and sometimes harsh words were only ever directed at SAP, not the community. You are not a community leader. You are a company employee defending company decisions. If we were a community, there would be some degree of democracy, but there's none of it. It seems like you're stealing the goodwill of open source while maintaining hard us and them boundaries.

You are silencing inconvenient voices. Shouldn't you have a thicker skin because you get paid? Isn't that part of why you are paid and we are not?

If I feel that you are ignoring the second most important problem voiced by hundreds of people today because it "got lost" this makes me upset. If you say you will update us but then don't for more than half a day this is upsetting. If you close issues as duplicates of issues you've closed as "will do later" this is upsetting.

All of us in the community are spending time here for the public good. We deserve to be treated with respect. And yes, respect means not closing issues just because you don't want to deal with the work. It means keeping your promises and keeping us updated regularly. Having enough staff monitor issues so that you can explain decisions and bring order into chaos.

You can't just cherry pick the community's good sides. If you want us to provide quality issues, feedback, suggestions and trust you have to do your part and respect our needs.

If you want to be celebrated and cheered only and prohibit criticism, then do it explicitly. I'm sure the media and the taxpaying public will find it interesting.

Anyways, this is getting too long. I'd be curious to hear what others are thinking. If it's just me I'll shut up. But reading between the lines I don't think @tegk, @kurthuwig and others are very happy either.

piratenkatzerrr commented 4 years ago

shaking my head When the idea and requirements for the German corona warning app were being discussed in the public, to broaden its appeal the app was being touted as not to require a Google account. We are discussing workarounds around a geolock due to account country settings, when people should be able to download and install the app without even having a Google account and hence no account settings.